Sleepover Disaster

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The four girls slept in the living room of Sandy's condo and when night fell, Sam stood up to tell ghost stories.

"Who wants to start?" Sam asked "Me!" Cindy said she told a story of the Phantom of Retroland and how it spread its curse to other theme parks.

"Here's mine. Sandy before your house existed, this used to be a graveyard," Sam explained. "Really? I thought this house was built on landed property." Tootie asked Sam. "Nope, This very house Sandy is on was built on a former graveyard." Sam corrected Tootie.

"A Graveyard?!" the others panicked, "The government wanted more houses so they cleared the land to make condos. What others don't realize is that on rainy nights like this,  a ritual is made." Sam continued.

"Why is that" Tootie questioned. The answer turns out is that whatever land the graveyard had, the ghosts of the deceased didn't like it so a ritual is made to calm the spirits. One of the rituals is by slashing animals to give the spirits food in the afterlife.

Cindy, Sandy and Tootie screamed after finding out the truth about the condo that Sandy stayed on. Sandy was fuming furious and she screamed, "That's not funny!" "So it wasn't a true story after all?!" Cindy too asked furiously.

Sam ignored their questions and she said, "I'm hungry, I'm gonna eat some pecan pie I saw in the fridge." Sam told the girls and she went to the kitchen to grab a slice. "I too feel like eating the pie Sam mentioned, Tootie said. Sandy told Tootie "No." "My plan is to sneak behind her, turn off the light and see whos the true coward," Sandy said as two girls followed her suit.

In the kitchen, Sam grabbed a slice of pecan pie and she ate till she started seeing things. From outside She heard a scream and she saw messages on the wall in a foreign language. Sam screamed when she saw the ritual and she called the others to see it for themselves. 

"Who's the true coward now?" Sandy said now full of pride. 

The others entered the kitchen. Sam told the squirrel what she saw and Sandy believed her while Tootie and Cindy scratched their heads in confusion. 

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