Finding the Killer(?)

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The four girls packed their stuff and they took a train to the community club. At first, the others were scared to enter as they constantly heard screaming from the inside.

"We must stay calm," Sandy assured them and she lead the group to the building and they began to investigate the strange occurrences in the building.

"Die! Die! Die!" the voice screamed. The scream was loud was enough to alert the four of them and they ran to the block that read Art room. 

"AHHH!" They all screamed and then Sam realized who this 'killer' was. "Wait! I know that voice!" she exclaimed as she saw the figure that stood before them.

"What's going on here?" Mr Sanderson asked as he removed his mask.

"Mr Sanderson, what are you doing here?" Sandy asked.

"Doing my plan on getting revenge on you girls, What happened on Friday haunted me, so I too watched the 'Slashing of Kennywood' to get inspiration for my Halloween prank." Mr Sanderson explained his story.

After finding out that the killings were a trick for Halloween, The girls and Mr Sanderson laughed it off as a joke.

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