Chapter 8

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+2 Weeks

*knock knock

"Come in" said Zoe, it was Maggie 

Maggie sat at the end of Zoe's bed.

"Come on why arn't you dressed for school yet, anyway you told Mrs Diamond yet" said Maggie.

"No just not found the right time, i will not yet" said Zoe.

"Well i would hurry up, bdcause i can tell now, you have a bump, if you don't want her to find out, make your top baggy" said Maggie.

"Thanks Maggie" said Zoe.

"I'll leave you to get ready for school we are leaving in 30" said Maggie.

Maggie left and Zoe got dressed and put on her make up and walked down the stairs.

"Zoe you need your breakfast, in your condition" said Maggie.

"What condition Miss" said Rhiannon.

"Nothing Rhiannon, and i'll have some toast then" she said.

"Good" Maggie replied.

+5 Mins

"Come on we were suppose to leave 10 Min's ago" said Maggie.

"Where is Mrs Diamond, Maggie" Zoe questioned.

"She can't pick you up today, got a meeting, so come on get in" Maggie replied.

Zoe got in the mini bus and Maggie and Grantly drove to school.

"Ahhhh babe your finally back" screamed Sofia.

"I know, i was just so ill" said Zoe.

"We've missed you, so what's going on with you and Brad" Sofia questioned.

"We are over he just can't cope with some stuff" Zoe replied.

"Aw babes, your like us single pringle" Sofia laughed. "Hey there's Mrs Diamond" she said.

"I better go talk to her not seen her in 2 weeks" said Zoe.

Zoe walked over to Mrs Diamond.

"Ah Zoe, i was just looking for you, Maggie told me" said Mrs Diamond.

"What why, and your not mad" said Maggie.

"Why would i be mad, it's not your fault" said Mrs Diamond.

"Well it is" Said Zoe.

"What getting ill" Mrs Diamond questioned.

"Oh right that yeah its not" Zoe replied.

"What did you think i was talking about" said Mrs Diamond.

"Nothing it don't matter" Zoe laughed.

"OK so i was wondering tonight me and you go out, to a restaurant to catch up, and ill maybe buy you a glass of wine "Mrs Diamond whispered.

"Sure, that will be nice 7" Zoe replied.

"Sure i'll book a table, and pick you up for 7" said Mrs Diamond.


"Zoe, can i talk to you" said Brad.

"No, you can't" Zoe replied.

"Why, please let's talk about it" said Brad.

"Fine then" Zoe said.

Brad pulled Zoe away from everyone else.

"Who you told" said Brad.

"Why does it matter, will it ruin you reputation, and dont worry only Maggie, and might tell Mrs Diamond tonight, why" said Zoe.

"I've been thinking, i want to be part of the baby's life, i want to be differnet from my dad, my dad walked out when he found out my mum was pregnant, i don't want the same thing to happen" said Brad.

"Are you sure, but listen we are still not a item, you will have to give me time" said Zoe.

"Sure what ever, and i've got my self a job, earning £25 an hour, work 4 hours a day and 4 days a week, money for the baby" said Brad.

"Wow you really do want this, and what about your dad, are you going out searching for him" said Zoe.

"Yeah i do, and maybe but the baby and you come first" said Brad.

"Thanks" Zoe gave Brad a kiss on the cheak.

 Zoe walked back over to her friends.

"Wow so you and Brad" said Becks.

"Nothing just sorted things out we are just mates" said Zoe.

After school.

Maggie took Zoe and the rest of the kids from the school house home.

"Zoe have you told Mrs Diamond yet"Maggie asked.

"Nahh.., probably tell her tonight, she's taking me out to catch up" Zoe Said.

Zoe got all glammed up wearing a baggy top so you could'nt see her bump.

Mrs Diamond knocked on the door and Maggie ansewed it, Zoe walked donw.

"Wow look at you, you ready to go" said Mrs Daimond.

"Yep" said Zoe.

They got the car an drove to the resturant Mrs Diamond Booked......


Sorry it was'nt as long as normal here is Chapter 8, hope you enjoy :) , sorry if there is any spelling mistakes..

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