Chapter 14

312 8 6

+30 Minutes 

The nurse came out.

"So is the baby here" Questioned Brad.

"Yeah the baby is out congrats but Zoe has lost a lot of blood so we need to stitch her up real quick" The nurse replied.

"Is she going to be ok" said Brad.

"Yeah hopfully she'll be fine she has more of chance of being fine than not" said the nurse.

"Good, can i go see my daughter" said Brad.

"Of course follow me" said the nurse.

Brad followed the nurse to Zoe bed where there daughter was in a cot at the end with the doctor checking over the baby Brad started to tear up he walked over and picked up his daughter.

"Hello baby im your daddy" Brad said tearing up.

Just a few moments later Zoe in her bed came rushing out awake.

"Babe your ok" said Brad.

"Of course i am so what do you think of your daughter" Zoe replied.

"She's beutiful here" said Brad, and he passed her over to Zo.

Brad called Maggie and Mrs Diamond in and they had held of her 

Zoe and the baby had to stay in for a few days but when she could go home she an the baby did.

+4 Days.

"Can i hold her Zoe" Rhiannon said.

"Sure here" Zoe said.

Everyone at the school house wanted to hold her..


Zoe didn't go to the school because of the baby..

"So then how is Zoe and Chloe" Mr Clarkson asked.

"Good" said Mr Diamond.

"Going to see my beutiful grand daughter today" Mr Clarkson replied.

"Tell Zoe and Brad congrats from me" Miss Mulgrew.

"Will do" said Tom.

*After school

Mr Clarkson drove to the school house..

Maggie answered the door and let Tom in.

"So where is she" asked Tom.

"Having a nap she'll be awake in a min she needs milk" Zoe replied.

"Ok so how you finding it being a mum" Asked Tom.

"It's hard at night but during the day i have a lot of help so not that hard" Zoe replied.

"I don't know any of that stuff because i;ve only just found out about Brad so where is Brad" asked Tom.

"At work i need to get Chloe she's crying" Said Zoe.

Zoe went up to her room and picked up Chloe and took her down.

"Here she is let me just feed her then you can hold her" Zoe said.

Zoe gave Chloe a bottle and handed her to Tom.

"Aw she beutiful" Tom said.

"I know" said Zoe.

Tom stayed for another hour and went home and Mrs Diamond came.

"Hey" said Zoe.

"Look i've been thinking im like you mother why don't i adopt you and you live at mine" said Mrs Diamond.

"Really  are you being serious if i could hug i would but got Chloe" said Zoe.....


The End thanks for reading everyone !! 

 Could you read my new story Back to school (Waterloo road) it would mean a lot thanks x

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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