Chapter 9

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*At the resturant

"So then, how have you been then, now your feeling better" said Mrs Diamond.

"I've been fine, and now me and Brad have worked out our differences" said Zoe.

"Aw really that's good why did you fall out anyway" said Mrs Diamond.

"Erm i can't say, you'll find out sooner or later" said Zoe.

"Oh really, so you fancy a glass of wine my treat" said Mrs Diamond.

"No, just a coke please miss" said Zoe.

"Really it's not like you to be sensible" Mrs Diamond laughed.

"Yeah, i think i need to start to miss, you know get more reasonable" said Zoe.

Mrs Diamond laughed.

+3 hours

"Come on time for us to go, i'll call a taxi" said Mrs Diamond.

"Thanks Shona, there is somthing i need to tell you" said Zoe.

"Yes what's that" said Mrs Diamond.

"Well erm" said Zoe. 

Untill Mrs Diamond's phone started to ring.

"One sec, it's Maggie" said Mrs Diamond.

The taxi came and picked up Mrs Diamond and Zoe, it dropped of Zoe.

"I forgot to ask, what did you want to tell me" said Mrs D.

"Oh ermm, it don't matter" said Zoe.

Zoe walked through the door.

"So did you tell her" said Maggie.

"Tell me what" said Mrs Diamond as she was standing behind Maggie.

"Oh ermm, nothing miss" said Zoe.

"No there is somthing going on, i want answers now" said Mrs Diamond.

"Zo, you need to tell her, she is going to find out sooner or later" said Maggie.

"Sit down then miss" said Zoe.

"Ok" Mrs Diamond sat down in the lounge.

"So then, what's going on" said Mrs Diamond.

"Well erm, Maggie i can't do this" said Zoe.

"Can't do what" said Mrs Diamond.

"For god sake, she's pregnant" Maggie shouted.

Mrs Diamond's face went blank.

"Why Zoe" Said Mrs Diamond.

"I never meant for it to happen, i'm sorry" said Zoe.

"And what you going to do with it" said Mrs D.

"I'm going to keep it" Zoe replied.

"I thought you were, but i just thought maybe once you would be sensible" Mrs Diamond said.

Mrs Diamond walked out and got back into the taxi.

"Maggie, see i told you not to tell her" said Zoe.

"Wait don't blame this on me, i was only trying to help, it's not my fault you got your self pregnant, is it" said Maggie.

Zoe stomped up stairs and ran to her room...

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