Chapter 12

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Author's -Point of View-

Ink headed to the UnderSwap house quickly, knocking on the door with all his might.

Door abuse 101.2

His face was filled with anger. "Blueberry! I know your fu[n]king here!" Ink sighed, rubbing his face. He turned towards Fresh. "Fresh oh my word what are you doing here?" Ink screamed in a fit of anger still. "Yo." Fresh held up a peace sign with his fingers, his glasses reading YO_LO like always. "Answer the question Fresh."

"Well my radical broski, was about to some personal radical not radical things until I was goin about to see my radical freshy friend in the Void, and that my broski-" Ink glared at him. "How on earth did you use a portal?" Fresh didn't bother to answer the question. Actually, he ignored it entirely.

"Couldn't find my glitchy broski bro so I traveled le traveled over skippidy on over here to UnderSwap because him and blue le blueberries in a smoothie are always hanging like broitoes they are! Then you skippity skiped on over in here and I found you my radical Inky bruh! So I'm radically gussen you've got an radical location on my Error bruh."

((Now. . . I'm sorry for his language, I don't really know how to do 90s slang -as you may know- and I'm sorry for this. I hope to improve in the future, if you want you can tell me some words or phrases to use for him! Thanks!))

Ink scoffed a little, nodding. "Yes. Well, I think I do, Error has been possibly kidnapped along with his child." Ink crossed his arms slightly, seeming pouty about the situation. Fresh's glasses turn to KID_!? Ink sighs and lets his arms fold down by his sides. "Yes he has a kid- wait. You don't know about this?" Fresh shook his head, creating a creaking honking noise for sound effects.

"Oh brother." Ink face palms. "Whatever. I just think Error is in here somewhere, I don't know were though. I think I saw Blue take him through a portal to here so this is our best bet." Ink states. Fresh nods. "Can I help?" Fresh smiles, an insane grin behind his mask of plain. "Sure, just don't make any loud s[u]tty noises." Ink glaces back at Fresh with a glare. "And quit with the censoring." Fresh shrugged, clearly unapologetic at all.

Suddenly, the door opens ajar. "Seems like you were knocking on it too hard bruh." Ink steps back slightly. "Shut it Fresh, now is not the time for your smart remarks." Fresh went silent. Ink sighed out a small breath and started in the house. "Blueberry? Error?" Ink looked around in caution, Fresh following.

"Woah my broski! Why on radically earth are we breaking into someone's radically rad home?" Fresh asked, more hesitant then before. "Shut up Fresh! I'm the Creator! I can go into anybody's home without them knowing!" Fresh looked at the stressed skeleton. "Alrighty."

-In The Basement-

"Stop! - - - Please!" Error cried out, begging the dominant to stop. "It hurts!" He whined, not wanting anymore of this pain to continue. "You know you love it Error~" Blue started up faster, thrusting in harder. "No! Please!" Error screamed out. "Ink!!"

Ink Comyet's -Point of View-

"Error?" I asked out in the air, wondering were that voice was coming from. "Aye broski, you alrighty?" His glasses full of question marks. "I think I heard Error. . . Like a voice inside my head or something like that." I groaned slightly, holding my skull in confusion. "Ugh, never mind. Have we checked everywhere?" Fresh smirked. "No, there's still one room left." I nodded. "Ok, where?"

"In the basement." He pointed towards the direction. "Alright, let's go then. And quickly." We hurried down to the kitchen and looked through the basement door. But what I saw was the last thing I expected to see. . .


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