father finds out

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(Mr.N) what is all this I haven't seen any of these pictures of my son haruka and who is this man sousuke yamazaki?



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(Mr.N) my sons gay????

N) my sons gay????

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(Mr.N) hes engaged??

N) hes engaged??

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(Mr.n) what the hell is all this I leave him alone in his own place and after 3 years hearing hes engaged with a boyfriend is my son seriously like this who is this sousuke yamazaki that I see in all this

(Mr.n) *calling haruka*

-haru side-

(H) strange

(S) what?

(H) my dads calling and he really never calls me I haven't heard from him in 3 years

(S) three years???? You better answer

(H) *answers* hello father

(Mr.n) haruka nanase we need to talk immediately

(H) what is it father?

(Mr.n) who is this sousuke yamazaki? Your supposedly engaged to?

(H) hes my fiance dad

(Mr.n) when did you become gay? Seriously I don't hear from you ever since you lived alone and all of a sudden your gay what the hell happened to the son I raised

(H) dad I've been gay since I was a kid I never liked women, that's why you never saw me bring home a girl i got a boyfriend when i was 17 and hes been with me for three years dad and yes were engaged so hes the only one I love

(Mr.n) I tried raising you right, as a Christian boy with no issues soon to meet some women that could bring you a child In your life I'd let you marry her and have a child so our family could continue

(H) that's not me dad it never was I've been gay since I was 10 I never liked women sousuke is the man I want to spend my entire life with and we can have a family we can adopt so stop getting pissed at the fact that I finally found some one who accepts me for who I am if you dont than stay out of my life dad *ends call*

(S) haru are you ok?

(H) *sits on floor*

(H) *sits on floor*

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(S) haru

(H) *crying*

(S) hey babe its gonna be ok I'm here for you

(H) *holds sousukes arms* I fucking hate this

(S) I've got you baby *hugging tightly*

(H) I jest wanna marry you already

(S)I wanna marry you to baby jest ignore what your dad said it wont hurt us because we chose each other no one could change our love

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