2 years later

111 1 0

Sousukes 20 october 13th
Harus 19

*group chat*
(R) hey guys pool night 8pm tonight

(M) I'll try and be there

(N) I'll go, what do you have to do makoto were adults we can do what we want

(M) babysit my brother and sister but I'll try depending on what time my parents are home

(N) oh ok well I'll be their

(Rei) I'll go I jest have a couple sheets of homework to do then I'm done

(R) what about you sousuke?

(S) I'll try but I'll check with haru hes taking his usual hour tub times so I'll check with him later but I'm fine with going

(M) its definitely your boyfriends favorite thing to do

(S) yeah I know its only because he loves water

(R) well get back to us soon about it and were meeting at the pool

(S) ok

(M) ok

-texting ends-

(S) *knocking* babe you almost done?

(H) I'm getting out now

(S) ok

(H) *walks out of bathroom* what's up?

(S) So the guys wanna have us go out with them tonight

(H) why? *rubs head with towl*

(S) I dont really know rin planned it so I'm not sure on what's going to happen

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(S) I dont really know rin planned it so I'm not sure on what's going to happen

(H) where is it at?

(S) the pool

(H) I guess I'll go

(S) ok I'll let the guys know it's also at 8pm tonight

(H) ok *rubs head more*

(H) ok *rubs head more*

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(S) haru time to go

(H) ok I'm coming *runs down hall*

(S) what took you so long?

(H) I was getting dressed

(S) are you still in your suit?

(H) yeah since will be at the pool

(S) *texts groupj

(S) hey guys were on our way

(R) ok I'm bringing some drinks as well

(S) I also have a plan since how long me and haru have been together

(M) what is it

(S) I'm gonna propose since this is his only favorite place in the world

(N) that's awesome

(S) yeah jest play dumb and act like you guys know nothing about it

(Rei) ok

(N) ok

(M) got it

(R) on it and happy for you two

(S) thanks see you all their

-texts ended-


(S) so I wonder what's gonna happen

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