Uh Oh (Bucky SMUT)

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warnings- daddy kink, thigh riding, praise kink, choking kink

summary- you and bucky are training as some nice boyfriend girlfriend competition and he slams you to the mat while choking you out, you aren't scared so you just turn red and bite your lip. it all goes down hill from there, ladies and gentlemen.

"C'mon babe, you gotta do better than that." Bucky chuckled while you were pinned underneath him.

"Well, we've been doing this shit for hours now. I'm bored and don't wanna keep going." you whines while laughing and sliding out from under him.

"Fine, one more round and this time we will make it interesting. If you win, I'll make you dinner. If I win, you make me dinner. You actually have to try, though. Deal?" he smiles while holding a hand out to help you up and shake on a deal.

"Fine. One more and that's it, Barnes." you smirked before taking his and shaking it as you got up.

"Good. Whoever gets pinned first, loses." he smiles as he adjusts his stance.

You stand with your arms crossed over your chest and smile as you await his first move. He furrowed his brow and took a swing as you dodged it swiftly, standing proudly. You blocked and dodged every hit or grab he threw at you. Finally, you were getting cocky and attempted to do a high kick to his chest but he caught your foot. He flipped you, having you land harshly onto the mat, and straddled you with a hand around your throat. He's never choked you before, and for some reason you couldn't help but bite your lip at the feeling of his hands around your neck while he was on top of you. Your cheeks started heating up to show a soft pink, and he took notice to the pleased expression on your face. You quickly realized what was happening, your eyes went wide as you saw a smirk on crawl onto his face. You turned a bright red when you realized he noticed. Bucky leaned down to your ear, his hand lightly squeezing your throat.

"If you wanted it, you just had to ask, babydoll." he said with a smirk on his lips and playfully bit your earlobe as he pulled back with a dark chuckle.

He let go of your neck and leaned back to look at you.

"Wow. That really did a number on you, didn't it doll?" he chuckled and stood up with his hand out for you to take.

You were speechless and just nodded slowly. He chuckled and helped you up. You walked out of the training room as he held your hand. You really didn't want to look at him, out of embarrassment, and because of this you couldn't see the smirk that played on his face the entire time.

"On second thought, you don't have to make me dinner. I'm hungry for something else." he whispered in your ear as you were outside your shared room.

His voice sent chills down your spine and you bit your lip. He opened the door for the both of you and you sat on the couch in silence as he kicked off his shoes. You were so embarrassed and aroused that you didn't know what to do with yourself, but Bucky had an idea. He sat next to you on the couch and let his hand fall onto your thigh.

"Any other things you wanna tell me about, before you accidentally spill it?" he smirked while lightly squeezing your thigh.

You shook your head no, as your face turned red again.

"You sure, doll?" he whispered loud enough for you to hear as he was leaning closely and his eyes looked between your eyes and lips.

You didn't answer, so he captured your lips in his. He quickly took control and leaned into you while placing his knee between your legs and thigh right on your aching heat. The deeper he kissed you, the more you needed him, making you grind hips on his thigh. You moaned into the kiss, leaving Bucky an opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth. Your tongues fought dominance, but his quickly won. You had a pink shade across your cheeks as pulled away from the kiss to watch you grind on him. He pulled away completely and sat up, causing you to whine mine softly.

"Come here baby, come sit on my knee." he smiled as you climbed over to straddle his thigh. "Go ahead, make yourself feel good." you bit your lip and started turning red again.

You placed your hands on him, one on his shoulder and one on his chest. His hands went straight to your hips, helping you grind yourself on him. You rocked your hips on him, and moaned softly.

"That's it baby." he praised as he watched your face started to contort in pleasure and grind yourself into his thigh harder.

He loves watching you bite your lip and moan while getting off on his thigh. Bucky grew harder as he watched you, biting his lip. He couldn't take his off of you. You went even faster, moaning and panting. You felt yourself getting close to your release when your moans got louder, making him flex his thigh for you.

"Ah fuck, daddy." you moaned out and instantly froze.

"What did you just say?" he questioned as he squeezed your hips.

"Nothing." you turned a deep shade of red, darker than before.

You'd never said that before, or told him about the idea choking. You thought they might be a little too crazy for you two. It was a mystery what made you let it all out, even if it was an accident.

"I asked you a question, doll." he said sternly and gave your hips another squeeze.

"N-Nothing. I said nothing." you stuttered.

He leaned to your ear and whispered huskily, "Lie to daddy again, and you will be punished. Got it?"

You quickly nodded your head and felt your panties were completely soaked.

"Words, kitten." he said as he flexed his thigh for you, making you moan softly.

"Yes, daddy." you moaned out as he guided your hips to ride his thigh again.

"Good girl." he smirked as you slowly started to pick back up where you left off. "Go ahead, let daddy watch you cum for him."

You were going faster and grinding harder into his thigh. You were a moaning mess when he got the bright idea of wrapping his metal hand around your neck. You moaned louder as he gently squeezed your neck. You were dancing on the edge of bliss and moaning out profanity and squeezing his shoulder.

"Come on baby, come for daddy." he watched intently as his words pushed you over the edge.

"Oh, daddy! Fuck. Yes!" you screamed as you came all over his thigh, your body shaking.

He kissed you sloppily as you rode out your orgasm.

"So good for daddy." he smiled as you collapsed into him, your head landing on his shoulder.

He held you close and rubbed his hand up and down your back gently. You caught your breath and he kissed your head.

"That was a lot baby, you did so good. You okay?"

"Yes, I'm great." you smiled.

"Good, let's get some rest. Daddy's gotta take care of his girl." he chuckled before laying you on the couch with him and pulled a blanket over the both of you.

"I love you, Buck." you softly murmured before falling asleep on his chest. 

"I love you too, baby." he kissed your head before falling asleep.

Sebastian Stan and Bucky Barnes Oneshots X READERWhere stories live. Discover now