The Wrong People (Bucky Fluff)

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warnings- none, potential angst, minor mental breakdowns, language

summary- some people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes, and it seems you were one of those people. Belle's now ex boyfriend dumped her, she decided it was best to go home. it's been days now and none of the team has seen you, aside from her silently working out in the gym and going to the kitchen to make herself food to eat in her room. Belle's closest friend takes note, and he tries his best to get to her, but she shut him out. maybe she should let him back in. the truth is... she misses her best friend more than anything.

This one is a change up to be in first person. The main character's name is Belle.

"I can't do this anymore. All you do is whine and you're so goddamn clingy. I can't do a goddamn thing on my own anymore. We are done." he's looking right at me. We were standing right outside of his apartment building, so close to the warmth of his couch. The rain was coming down harder, the air getting colder. I can't help but feel pathetic and look away from him. The tears well up, and threaten to roll down my face.

"Okay, if that's what you really want, then it's fine." I wipe the tears off my cheek, still not looking at him.

"Don't cry, you've had to have seen this coming. You're only making this all worse on yourself." he scoffed at me, throwing his hands in the air.

"I can't say that I did. I just wanted to be happy with you, but I guess that's not possible anymore." I look to him, smiling with tears in my eyes. "I hope you are happy now, and I sure as hell hope you make someone else happy. Lord knows you screwed me over on that one." I walked across the street, pulling my phone out of my back pocket. It was raining and I hadn't brought a jacket. I didn't need one, I was safe and warm in his car. That's no longer an option, so Uber it is.

I stood on the pavement, hugging my arms close to my chest. The cool rain and cold air didn't mix well against my skin. I was shivering so bad that my muscles tensed up and could see my breath. Somehow it wasn't the cold in the air that bothered me, it was how stupid I felt. How in the hell could I have let this happen. It'd been six months with him, so how did I not see it coming? And how damn long could this Uber take? I couldn't distinguish between the tears and the cold rain running down my face. Maybe I should've just called Tony, or Nat, or Steve, or Bucky. I could've had someone pick me up, but that would mean I would have to explain why I was in the freezing rain and crying so damn hard. It wasn't worth it. I had to spare myself. Just when I found myself about to call Buck, the driver pulled up. I locked my phone and stared out the window, not bothering with small talk. The driver pulled up outside the Avengers Tower in a few minutes.

"Cheer up kid, one bad night." the driver encouraged as I opened my door.

"Thanks." I mumbled and closed the door, walking in. I got to the main floor, which I shared with Steve and Bucky in our separate rooms, just down the hall past the kitchen and living room. The elevator doors opened, and just my luck. The entire team together for one of their get togethers, which I declined to spend time with my ex. I sighed, keeping my head down and walking past the living room. Without a doubt everyone saw me, and I could hear them all.

"Hey! We thought you weren't-... Are you okay?" Tony spoke with an air of excitement which was quick to drop when he got a good look at me.

"Bee! Hey we missed y- Belle, what's wrong?" Natasha said as she turned toward me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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