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Skye pov.

"Run! Stone, run!" I screamed clinging to the fence in front of me that was too high for me to climb over. The only thing I could do was stand there and hope he was fast enough.

I watched him around one corner and then another, all awhile the enemy was gaining on him.

"Run!" I shouted again banging on the fence now. Sweat dripped down his temple, his blond hair that was beginning to grow out clung to his face from under the ball cap. The moment I saw him trip and fall to the dirt I knew he wouldn't make it. He scrambled to his feet as quickly as he could diving for the one thing that could give him safety. But he was too late.

"Out!" The umpire said in a loud deep voice as he looked at the two boys before him. One held the baseball in his glove against the one that was covered in dirt on the ground. And that boy was my son. I sighed turning away from the field and toward the bleachers where the rest of the parents sat.

"Good try buddy," Mac clapped loudly, "you'll get it next time."

Stone gave his father a side eye as he walked into the dugout and proceeded to throw his ball cap onto the bench harshly in frustration.

Mac looked back at me softly and I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry if I'm too encouraging," I said sarcastically. Truth be told I probably was a bit over the top. It was official, I'd become one of those moms. I had expected Mac to be the one hard on him in sports but it was me. Mac was encouraging but I was completely over the top.

Three years had past since Mac and I tied the knot. Stone was now eight years old and growing much faster than I wanted him to. Mac wasn't too fond of the fact that Stone got just as frustrated as I did when it came to his sports. But what can I say, he's a mama's boy.

It makes sense seeing as I raised him for four years without Mac. But don't get me wrong, Stone loves his father. They'd actually grown very close the past few years.

The age Stone was at is just really hard on Mac. He's got this idea in his head that he has to be the perfect father for Stone. Since Mac's mom died when he was five and his dad left when he was twelve, Mac's memories in between those years cause a lot of controversy in his mind. I've tried telling him that he's not his father and that he has me to do this parenting thing with him but he still struggles. I understand, I want to give Stone a good life too but we have to remember if we focus too hard on not being our parents we will miss the precious moments we have with our son.

"I wasn't saying that," Mac tilted his head at me, "I just think he's hard enough on himself and he's only eight. This is only coach pitch."

Mac laughed and shook his head and when his words struck me I did too. We looked over at our boy sitting with his arms crossed over his chest in the dugout.

When we got back to the car, once the game was over, Mac looked at Stone through the rear view mirror.

"You played a good game today bud," Mac smiled at him.

"No I didn't," Stone grumbled, "I'm nowhere near as good as the other guys on the team and I'm the oldest!"

The first couple years after Mac and I got married and began settling into the family life, Stone didn't do many extra curricular activities. Which meant while he was starting kindergarten and spending all his free time at home with us or with Jack while we were on a mission, all the other boys on his team were playing t-ball. When Mac and I finally noticed Stone's interest in sports he was already too old to start at t-ball so he went straight into coach pitch. He wasn't bad, but you could tell he hadn't had as much practice as the rest of the boys.

"How about when we get home you and I go out and throw the ball around to get you some extra practice in," Mac offered.

"Mac," I harshly sighed in a whisper to him, "he's just played a long game, he needs a break."

"Sure dad!" Stone chimed from the back seat.

I rolled my eyes as Mac grinned again. I wasn't being over protective, okay maybe I was. Stone just hadn't had an easy life. With what happened to him when he was born and Walsh kidnapping him and testing drugs on him I was always worried side effects might pop up eventually. Mac told me the science of it all and how unlikely that was but unlikely doesn't mean impossible.

"Just take it easy," I said to Mac, "and if he looks like he's getting worn out come inside."

"Yes ma'am," Mac snarked playfully looking over at me as we stopped at a red light. I just chuckled then Mac leaned over placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"Ew!" Stone shouted covering his eyes, causing Mac and I to just laugh. I love our family.

Mac pov.

We walked through the doors of the house when we got home and were greeted by Jack who'd just gotten home himself.

"Hey buddy!" Jack opened his arms and Stone ran to hug him shouting his name, "how was the game?"

"A big loss," Stone sighed, "don't worry you didn't miss anything."

"Aw don't worry about it, you'll get 'em next time," Jack ruffled Stone's hair before walking over to give me a hug.

"How was the family reunion?" I asked.

"Oh you know us Daltons," Jack smirked and he left it at that.

"Uncle Jack, dad said he and I are going to practice some baseball," Stone smiled, "wanna join us?"

"That sounds like fun," Jack grinned back. Stone raced to his baseball bag and pulled his glove and ball out of it with excitement. That's when my phone dinged in my pocket and Skye's soon followed. We looked at the text and then at each other. I immediately saw Stone's expression drop.

"You have to go again don't you?" He said with sorrow in his voice. I sighed and kneeled down there in front of him.

"I'm sorry bud," I told him, "Jack can play with you, and I'll be back here as soon as I can. Okay?"

I remained there waiting for a response and Stone finally answered, "Okay."

There was only a small smile on his face as he gave me a hug. Skye hugged him tight and gave him a soft kiss. We both said goodbye and thank you to Jack as always before we ran to the car and were off again.


Author's Note:

Hey y'all! Wow, after years of writing "Yours If You Want It" I never thought I'd get to the point of a sequel. But I loved the characters and the family I'd created so much that I couldn't let it go. This story may end up being shorter than the first one but as I write more ideas will start to come and who knows where this story could go.

If y'all have any requests or ideas always feel free to let me know! I love hearing from y'all!

Thank y'all for reading, voting, and commenting! It means the world to me!

Much love y'all!


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