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Soon enough, Alice started to look around the school for Scott Mcall. She had a slight idea of what the true alpha looked like but she was really just trying to find Stiles, the boy she bumped into earlier, because she knew Scott would be with him.

Though the school was large and busy Alice didn't struggle to find her way around; she knew how to find people easily by now, that was part of training to be a mercenary. She had found Stiles with a group of teenagers outside near the buses and she was right, the alpha was with him. Alice didn't know what she was supposed to say to them or how to convince them that she was Braeden's 'sidekick' but once she heard Scott say something about killing and kidnapping so she took that as her cue to go speak to them.

She swiftly walked over to the group and stood behind the boy she'd conversed with earlier that day. Alice briefly heard a red head girl tell 'Kira' to be a vixen, they seemingly hadn't noticed her but that rang to be false when the same girl spoke.

"Does anyone know this kid?" She gestured towards Alice and all the teenagers eyes were soon on her. Alice didn't appreciate the 'kid' remark but she ignored it anyway and stepped towards Scott, making the other teenagers raise their eyebrows, taken back by her forwardness.

"Has Derek told you about me? Alice Woods?" The name didn't seem to ring a bell, a look of confusion took over the boys face as he shook his head. Alice sighed at Derek's lack of care then spoke again to the boy, "I'm here with Braeden," Scott muttered an 'oh', nodded and opened his mouth to speak but was soon cut off by one of his friends.

"Do you have a name?" The ginger girl spoken with a bitter tone as she barely made eye contact with the brunette.

"Her names Alice." A voice behind Alice answered, before she could, which she recognised as Stiles.

Alice mimicked the same tone that the other girl when she asked, "What about you? Do you have a name?" A sour smile on her lips as she spoke.


The brunette remembered the name from her list and muttered the words 'Martin, Banshee' under her breath, apparently not as quiet as she thought because all the teenagers began to look at her oddly.

"How do we know she's not an assasin?" Alice didn't have time to see who the voice came from due to the speed of their voice, but furrowed her eyebrows at the accusation none the less.

"I'm not. If I was you'd all be dead."

"She's telling the truth," Scott assured his friends, "Derek trusts her. So I do, too."

Scott and Stiles had explained to her about a freshman named Liam, that Scott had bit him and that they were inviting him to a 'party' to try and help him. They had also asked her to go to said 'party', she knew it was likely that they asked because it was a full moon and they might need help controlling Liam, but being out with 'friends' would get Braeden off her back about it so she accepted the invitation without hesitation.

She had tagged along with Stiles for the rest of the day, she didn't know why he liked her and wasn't scared of her and it bothered her. Soon enough she found herself sat in Stiles' jeep, when she told him she couldn't drive yet he was quick to offer her a ride.

"Why didn't you even try to be nice with my friends earlier?" The Stilinski boy asked, breaking the awkward silence that they'd been sat in.

Alice turned her head to look at the boy. "Not really any of your business, Stilinski." Stiles pouted sarcastically, making Alice roll her eyes before sighing and answering.

"You can't make people like you but you can make them fear you."

The two stayed silent for a few minutes but Stiles broke it, again. "You're insane, Alice." He shook his head and smiled slightly.

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