Chapter 3

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  "Why in the world would you wrap my car pink?!" She automatically screams."You know I can't stand pink. It literally makes my eyes hurt." I can't help but to chuckle at her. But if I were in her situation I would feel the same way.
    "I know but what did you expect when you did this." I say pulling the ends of my hair at her.
   " I guess you are right, but did you really have to make it pink?" She rubs her forehead then punches her the bridge of her nose.
  "Actions have consequences. You know I take pranks seriously but I guess you thought you had some sort of special treatment." I tell her. I'm just picking with her though. I know the first thing she will do tomorrow is to change that car back to matte black. I may not like pink, but I don't think I've hated anything as much as she hates pink.
We start to laugh about the things that have been happening for the last two days. Then all of a sudden my door burst open and we see Matt standing there squinting his eyes while staring at us. His arms are folded and foot tapping, but something I can't go without noticing are his extra tight ripped jeans that have sequins and rhinestones across the seams.
I notice this and roll my eyes smiling," Do you really have to wear that?" I continue," Just because your friend from art class made them does not mean you have to wear them."
   He starts, still squinting," Yeah, Yeah. But don't think that you two are off of the hook. I haven't seen you in two days and Maddie's car is suddenly pink!"
   I am completely bewildered but at the same time faking," You can't blame this on us. You are the one who has been going on dates every day for the last 4 days." I go back to my normal expression," But anyway, it was honestly a last minute thing because someone," I look at her and drag out the 'one',"decided to bleach my hair through shampoo. So I had to get her back." I shrug.
   "Yeah well you could have told me. I've been dying to see something crazy these last few days, considering the fact that almost all of my dates have been so boring."
    "That's not my fault nor is it my problem. It's only 12:00 anyway. And I think we should go back to school shopping before we leave tomorrow morning.", I say thinking about an outfit I saw at the mall a week ago.
   "True. I need to buy more jeans and couple jackets.",Matt says.
   Anytime we go shopping he never gets jackets because they cover his outfit. But he needs them because winter is freezing here.
   "Ok I think Maddie should drive." I smirk at her knowing she won't want to. She gives me a deadpan look, as if I were stupid.
   "I'm serious. My car is on its last leg.", I lied to her while pleading.
   "Fine.... you owe me lunch for this though." She says while rolling her eyes and frowning.
We arrive at the mall and I head straight towards forever 21. They always have crop tops and high waisted jeans, which is always the only thing I wear. But I've decided since I am about to start college, I want to change up my style slightly. I am in no way a party girl, in fact I haven't gone to a party at all, but I want to be prepared because I want college to change me. I don't want to be stuck with no confidence. I'm not innocent and shy but I'm not outgoing either and I want that to change.
I hear Matt and Maddie running behind me and Matt says," Are you thinking about getting any of these outfits", his eyes wide," because if you are... I am definitely ready for this change. I turn to look at Maddie and she nods in agreement.
I grabbed so many outfits and random tops I thought were kind of trendy and sexy. I'm already so excited for my new change. Zeke would be proud of me. I smile thinking about him.
"Girl, those crop tops you bought are so cute. I'm going to have to borrow one."
I turn around and say," There is no way in hell I am letting you borrow this."
"Fine", Matt says dragging out the 'e'.
We all laugh at him and start to walk to Victoria's Secret. Don't jump to conclusions, I am not buying lingerie sets. I can't even imagine my clumsy, goofy self trying to look sexy for anyone in that. My plan was to grab a couple body sprays, bras, and underwear, including thongs. I grab my underwear and sprays and go to checkout. Someone grabs my shoulder harshly and pushes in front of me. I glare at them and turn them by their shoulder to face towards me.
"Who in the world do you think you -", I stop in the middle of my sentence to realize that it is Maddie holding pajama sets and a bunch of other things piled up to her face. I groan and rub my head with the palm of my hand and say
" Are you serious, you could've just asked to get in front of me."
"Sorry",she squeaks. That's when I notice her arms are shaking and she is struggling to hold her stuff. But right before I ask to help her the cashier says," NEXT!"
Once we finished checking out I wonder off on my own while they go eat. I was still full from breakfast anyway. I start walking to an ulta to grab some makeup and I pull my phone out of my pocket, I usually only do this to distract myself just in case people try to talk to me. While texting Zeke how ready I am to get into my dorm, I run into a hard body, causing my to look up. It's a tan guy, he's very muscular but not enough for him to brag about his self. He has dark brown hair and green eyes and looks around my age.
"Staring is kind of rude. But I don't mind I know I'm sexy anyway.", he smirks and gestures to his face and body.
I mumble ," I'm sorry, I should've been paying attention."
"I'm Gordon. Gordon Gage.", he says with little expression on his face," I'm going to college nearby and I start my classes in a couple of days."
My eyes light up at this. What a coincidence running into someone who is going to the same college as you. I say," I'm Kaisly Foster, I'm also going to college nearby. Maybe we have a class together. I'm a business major."
"We will see soon enough. It was nice meeting you though." He says flashing a wink and a smile then walking away.
I start to wonder if he was flirting or just being nice, or if he thought I was flirting with him, because I definitely was not trying to make it seem that way.
When I catch up with Maddie and Matt my arms are about to fall off from the amount of bags I have on them. And I know this because when I went to throw them in Madison's trunk I had deep red lines across my forearms and wrists.
When I get home I put all my stuff into another empty box put it in my car and get ready for bed. I can already tell college is going to have its way with me. I sigh and fall asleep thinking about the possible memories I will make starting tomorrow.

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