Chapter 4

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  I wake up in the morning and feel extremely refreshed and ready for college. It is only 7:30 after I do my morning routine and I was planning to leave in 2 hours so I started to plan out what I was going to do in that time. If you haven't noticed by now, I usually have a plan for everything.
I decide to cook breakfast, I take out the eggs, bacon, biscuits, and make a pot of coffee. I haven't cooked breakfast in months, mainly because I am too lazy to get out of bed in the morning. By the time everything is done my sister and parents are down stealing plates of food. I don't mind it now because I am in a good mood, but any other day all of their hands would've been long gone.
My thoughts are cut off by my mom saying," I can't believe you are going to college already." I can see her eyes rimming red with tears at the edges. I look to my dad to see him with a small, but sad smile. He adds," I know, our little girl is grown now. It still feels like she's just getting into school."
I roll my eyes at them in a playful way as I say," You guys are so dramatic. I will be back in a couple of months for Thanksgiving."
   My mom is already in tears now, and my dad is laughing at her. She gives me a quick goodbye hug before glaring at my dad and walking towards their room.
   "Ok well I think that I am going to get going then." I say making my way to the door before someone stops me to turn me around. My little sister Anna hugs me with tears in her eyes and says," I am going to miss making fun of you."
  I hug her back and say," I will be back soon enough, then you can make fun of me."
  My sister and I don't really talk much but I love her to death and will do anything to protect her.
  I make my way towards the door and wave at them before shutting it. I get into my car and make the drive to my college.
  I pull up to the campus at around 11 O'clock super confused to where I should be going. I pull onto a curb that is near the dorms and I get out of my car and start walking to the building. I check into the building to find my room and get my key. I asked the lady at the desk who was in my dorm but she refused to tell me. I get into the elevator and go up to floor 2. My room number is 201, each floor has 100 rooms.
I get to my room and open the door. I first see that it is way bigger than in movies I have seen, it has a small living room/kitchen, then it has a room connected to that with two beds across from each other with a divider between them for privacy. Connected to that is a full size bathroom with a bath/shower, a sink, and a toilet. Basically an extremely small apartment.
I see my roommates stuff all settled out and half the room is completely decorated. As I'm looking I start to realize that I know all of these things and the bags on the bed. Maddie pops out of the bathroom ready to greet her roommate only to stop and realize that it's me. We both jump at each other and start jumping and screaming with excitement. Even though we joked about getting a dorm together, it was completely unrealistic to get placed together randomly.
"Wow, this is just so unexpected.", she says to me with her mouth hanging open.
"I know this is a good thing though. Thank god I didn't get placed with some snobby girl.", I scrunch my face up.
I start walking towards the door while saying," Ok I have to grab my stuff and unpack then we can go grab our schedules and look at the activity fair."
And that's exactly what I did. I start grabbing all my boxes bringing them to the room with the help of workers. Then I started to unpack everything and put it how I want it. This alone took about 2 hours and 30 minutes. It is now 1:45 and I am officially done packing. I dread the day I have to move out to go back home.
After all that is done me and Maddie head to the front building to grab our schedules. My classes are: Principles of marketing on Monday at 5:30 P.M., English Composition 1 on Wednesday at 8 A.M., and Economics on Friday at 8 A.M.
Me and Madison take English together but that is it because she is majoring in Designing (Arts and Fashion).
We head to the activity fair and Maddie heads straight towards the Art club or whatever you want to call it. I decide to sneak out of the fair because none of those activities seem fun. Instead I decide to grab my skateboard and ride around the campus. I put my earbuds in listening to the song, I'm so tired... by Lauv. I then get a text, so I turn to pull my phone out then I crash into something causing me to fall. I look up and see a guy staring down at me with panic in his eyes. He offers me a hand and says," I am so sorry. I shouldn't have been looking at my phone."
I laugh and say," Well then I'm partly responsible because I was also looking at my phone."
He laughs and says "So, where are you going?"
"Um, I'm going to look for places to fill out an application for a job.", I respond with a small smile.
"Well I'm Liam Cook. What kind of job are you trying to look for."Liam says with his eyebrow raised.
"I'm looking for a job as a barista in a coffee shop nearby." I say.
His eyes light up at the mention of my choice and says ,"Well if you want, I can bring you to a Starbucks a couple blocks away that has a job opening."
I smile at him and respond with, "That would be lovely"
He responds with a simple"ok". Then we start our walk to the Starbucks. I'm currently walking with my skateboard in my right hand with him on my left. He then says "Do you want to play 20 questions, to get to know each other, of course. It will help since we have almost all of our classes together."
I give him a questioning glance at him and say," How do you even know my schedule?"
"Well when you fell, your schedule fell out of your hand and I took a small, itsy bitsy look at it.", he tells me. I guess that makes since, I should've guessed that first.
"Ok, well I guess I'll start first." I say looking at him through the corner of my eyes and continue, " Are you a freshmen here?"
" Nope, I am a sophomore. But I came from a different college." He says then asks," How old are you?"
"I am 19." I say then ask," Do you have any siblings?"
He responds with," Yes I have an older sister but she is 3 years older than me." He looks at me for a second then smirks while asking," So, do you have a boyfriend?"
I roll my eyes and scoff, " Yes I do have a boyfriend. So you might as well stop trying now.
He pouts at me and fake cries. I roll my eyes again then say," Anyways, do you have any special talents?"
"Yes I do actually." He says.
"Oh really, then what is it?" I say sarcastically.
"Come back to my place and find out," he says and winks then proceeds to wiggle his eyebrows.
I fake gag myself then look at him with squinted eyes. He bursts into laughter at my reaction then says smiling," I'm just kidding. The only talent I have is being amazing in football. Unless you do want to come back to my place." I roll my eyes at him once again. Then he asks," So do you have any special talents?"
I cringe at the fact that he used my own question against me. I was hoping he wouldn't. I respond with," Yes I actually do have a special talent. I just don't usually brag about it.
I can tell that his eyes are full of questions but he decides to say," Let's see it then."
I decide to just go for it and start singing the lyrics to Before you go by Lewis Capaldi.
He looks at me with wide eyes and says, "I- well -I that was great. You sing really good."
I smile slightly and whisper a quiet thanks.
He starts to speak again saying with a smirk," You know that was kind of sexy."
I groan making him laugh. We ended up finishing the game, really just forgetting about it, and just talked the whole way to the Starbucks.

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