Chapter 1: No Need To Wonder If I Ever Think Of You

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Here it is!!! I'm happy to show you all the first chapter of my new book! My first Queen full story! *squeals* I hope you all will like it! I'm quite nervous, but don't hesitate to tell me what you thought of it! *nervous laugh* Have a good time reading!

Freddie's POV:

I always loved his eyes the most. I loved how they would shine each time he talked about something he loved. I could stare at his eyes for hours. I often found myself lost in them. It wasn't always a good thing when he was talking to me and I wasn't listening to any word he was saying. He had beautiful hazel eyes.

I liked every single thing about him. He was incredibly caring and passionate. I loved how he would talk to me about the planets, about the world. He was always telling me when he found out about new things and I loved that he kept me so close to him. I also dreamed to be able to pass my hand through his fluffy and curly bouncy hair. They were just so perfect. It quite made him look like a poodle, but I loved it. I also loved how tall he was. It made me feel safe around him.

Each time I saw him, I kept myself from telling him how I was feeling. I always had a crush on him for as long as I know. Since I met him, he was always there for me when I needed someone and I think that's what made me fall for him. The only persons apart from me that knew about that were my best friends, John and Roger. They always wanted me to tell him, but I couldn't. I could ruin our friendship for my stupid feelings. I was in love with my best friend Brian.

We were still students, and they were my only friends. People didn't like me much at school. Maybe it was because everyone had a doubt I was gay or they just didn't like me. I was in an art class apart from the boys one period each day and honestly, it felt a little bit lonely. But I would never give it up. I liked it way too much. It was one of my only ways to express myself.

In this school, people weren't so accepting. I hated it when people were so judgmental about everyone. I never really got accepted except with Brian, Roger and John. I was grateful for them to be with me. When I arrived at the school, everyone already did their first year here since I arrived a year later. Everybody knew each other so it was even more hard for me to be included. People already didn't want to hang out with me because of how I was looking. It wasn't easy since I was always insecure about how I looked.

But they were there. They let me get in their little group and we quickly all got along well. John was quite shy from time to time, but as we learned more about each other he became more at ease with me. He didn't have a happy childhood. He told me his dad had died when he was 11 of a heart attack. He was educated by his mother alone after the death of his father. I couldn't imagine how painful it must have been for him. John was sometimes crazy. He would come up with funny ideas about how to pass the time. And I liked both of his sides.

Roger was a whole something else. He was quite the exact contrary of John. He was always hyperactive and he kept teasing and joking with me, but when we were in private he liked to be more calm and sensitive. He surprisingly was often the one helping me out when I wasn't feeling emotionally well. Unfortunately, Roger was someone that would get angry way too easily. I hated it when he would go super mad over nothing. He sometimes became mean with all of us. But he all loved him even with that.

On my side, I was quite ordinary, but I kinda liked it like that. I had still half of my birth name, Freddie Bulsara. I didn't like to be called Farrokh anymore. I wasn't ashamed of my past or anything. I just didn't like to talk about it much. What was in the past stayed in the past. I tried to be as joyful and energetic as possible at school. I loved to show much more my dramatic and Queen side. At home, I was more shy and insecure. I didn't like much how I was looking. My father didn't like me that much too. I would often lock myself in my room and paint. Or just do art. I loved music too. I liked to listen to Aretha Franklin and also Jimi Hendrix. I admired each of their works a lot.

I hated the fact that Brian was so close to me sometimes. As we got in the same classes this year we became closer and it made it harder for me to hide my feelings. He was helping me out for my homework and we studied for our exams together often. Each time his hand touched mine by accident I got butterflies in my stomach. I hated it a lot. He would hug me when I wasn't feeling well and I always forbid myself to pull away and kiss him. I was lucky that he wasn't in a relationship, but he liked to go on dates with some girls. Of course, he never went on a date with a man which meant I was out of the league. I tried to live with it and not show that it was hurting me. I was getting pretty bad at hiding it.

"Fred?!" He yelled.

I snapped out of my thoughts and realized that Brian was trying to talk to me for a while. We were at the cafeteria for lunchtime. John and Roger were having their conversation beside us and they didn't notice any of what was happening.

Gosh, I did it again. He looked slightly annoyed, but I ignored it.

"Yes?" I asked casually.

He shook his head rolling his eyes, but I could see a slight smirk forming on his lips. My God, my heart was beating so fast.

"I was telling you about the new Math teacher. I like him a lot. Did you listen to what I was saying at all?" He laughed lightly and I loved it.

"I'm sorry. I like him too! But don't you think he's a bit intense? He looks a bit like a happy child each time he gets to make us learn something new!" I exclaimed.

He laughed with me.

"I think he's just really passionate about his work. I guess that's why I like him so much." He smiled.

"He reminds me of you for that." I said quietly looking in his eyes.

He didn't look any uncomfortable as we continued looking in each other's eyes. I wondered what he was thinking at this exact moment. I wanted it to never stop as he smiled truthfully. Unfortunately, the ring of the bell cut us in our "romantic" moment. It was quite romantic for me. Obviously not for him.

We both got up. We went to put our lunchbox in our lockers and I was looking forward to the next period until I realized that it was my art class and that I wouldn't be able to look at Brian for the next hour. I sounded pretty creepy, but it was true!

I walked with Brian to his classroom and he engaged a light conversation about what we were studying in science. We were talking about the universe and it excited him a lot. When we arrived at the door, he walked in the classroom and waved at me silently, but still smiling.

"Have a good class Bri!" I said rather loudly and I blew him a kiss.

He laughed at my gesture, a slight blush on his cheek because of how much I wasn't discrete. and sat at his desk. I was about to go but as surprising as it was, he blew me a kiss back and I laughed too.

The bell five minutes before the class rang and I began sprinting toward my own classroom. It was at the opposite of Brian's, but I didn't mind. The more I could spend time with him, the more I was happy. I arrived exactly in time at my class and I sat down between two students I didn't know much.

The class began and my daydreams too. The teacher talked about the new painting method we would be trying and I stared at nothing, thinking about Brian. He was just stuck in my mind.

I guess I was quite good at pretending to listen in class. The teacher didn't notice that I didn't know what he was talking about. I could just ask someone about it from my class later. His pretty face came in my mind again.

Gosh, I was in love.

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