Chapter 1

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The Hanged Man P.O.V.~~~~~
The High Priestess had gone off to retrieve the young girl. While we were told to prepare for the little one.

"Where will they be going?" I asked.

"They will be going to Arisa first. Make sure we have a snack for them when they get here. They will also need some essentials to take with them. Please see to the snack. I'll need The Magician to start preparing for them to be there soon after they are done." Star said.

"Are you sure they'll be ok in that place?" I needed assurance on this.

"They will be fine. I'll also inform Arisa on her arrival. Now go."

I nodded and went on my way. I'll need to inform The Magician on this as well.

The High Priestess' P.O.V.~~~~
The young child was still hiding under the bench. Making sure nobody was around, I picked them up along with their bunny. Quickly taking them back with me to see Star.

~~~~~~~~~ Timeskip to your P.O.V. ~~~~~~~~~
I heard slight movements as I started to wake up.

"Ssshhh, she'll be fine there. I promise. Look, she's waking up!"

As I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, I saw animal people. They looked so pretty! But, where am I now?

"Wh-who are you? Where am I?" I questioned.

"You're in the tarot card realm. We saw you're need and decided to help." A cat lady said.

"T-tar-" I tried to say it.

"It's all right young one, you'll learn soon enough. Here eat up, you'll need it for your journey."

The cat lady handed me a plate and a glass.

The cat lady handed me a plate and a glass

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"Th-thank you!" I said excitedly.

Quickly starting to eat I grinned. It was delicious!

"Thank The Hanged Man. He made them." She gestured to a crow man.

I smiled after I finished.

"Thank you mister!"

"Not an issue, little one. Now, The Magician has everything ready. We just need to give her our gifts and let her be on her way." The crow mister said as he looked to the cat lady.

"What's going on Miss?" I asked with a bit of fear.

"We are sending you to live with some friends. They will take good care of you, we promise. I know it seems scary but we will make sure no harm will come of you little one." The cat lady said.

I was really scared but... they seemed nice. So I trusted them.

[A/N]: That's it for this chapter! I'm working on my other stories too, don't worry. Until next time, good luck.

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