5) Role

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Nothing can simply disappear; an object or maybe a creation - theory, memory, story, etc. - cannot vanish into nothing but thin air.

It was impossible, out of the question.

So... How do figments just up and go?

It is true, any memory of their existence is extracted from the living. But does that mean they are no longer a thing? Dead?

Sure, a person that isn't considered living in the first place cannot "die", but what they carry with them from memories and stories sure is thought to.

But if figments and everything they took with them aren't completely gone... where might they be?

A young boy's hand clenched into a tight fist as a man in a deep purple robe laid almost motionless on a king-sized bed.

The mind of the green haired young boy raced as the man in front of him looked at him with saddened eyes.

"Master... Please don't go, not now."

The old man smiled gently, his weak arm extended towards the boy, ruffling his hair.

"I'm sorry Amir, please take care of the figments, collect them and their memories and store them safely. I failed you, I failed at protecting the memories-"

"Don't say that! You didn't fail us, me. You tried your best; you gave everything you can for the safety of everyone here! You saved the people! Those figments don't mean anything when compared to humans!"

"Those figments deserve every chance of humanity."

"You gave up your own life for them to have theirs! They're nothing but imaginary creations, they're not alive." the boy said through gritted teeth, his anger and disappointment dripping through his words.

"Some things that mean so little to us sometimes hold something greater than us." Amir's master said, letting his hand fall from the small boy's head.

"You're going to die, and for what? Saving those made-up creations that no longer have a use. They're nothing but a burden. Sometimes I wonder why we even store them." Amir's tears were no longer blurring his vision, for they ran down his cheeks furiously.

"Amir, son, these made-up creations changed history, prevented death, and gave happiness to people. They fulfilled their purpose, but does that mean they get disposed of like trash?" the man wiped the tears off his student's face, sighing.

"You said it yourself, they fulfilled their purpose."

"They're lives on other worlds cannot continue after their purpose is fulfilled; they will never be able to physically exist much longer. They served everyone across all worlds, they deserve a happy ending."


"Be kind, Amir. Life is too short, give figments a chance at a peaceful ending. Save them, handle them with care. They may not be like us, but that doesn't give you any right to blame them for wanting refuge. If I knew less, I would've consider them lost souls."

"I understand... But I still don't agree with what you did! I'm so mad right now, I wasn't fast enough to help you."

A Figmental Heart (Kingdom Hearts x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now