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Next Day

I was sat eating granola with strawberries and vanilla yogurt when I Heard scooter come downstairs, he was in a happy mood today. I decided to stay at home today and just watch Netflix instead of sitting at the studio doing no good, plus I don't want it to be awkward because of that bitch Ariana, who knows what they've been saying about me. Scooter obviously knew I was upset as I was quite blunt with him this morning. It wasn't his fault his artist is a brat and hangs out with girls that are incredibly beautiful. It gives me no chance! Ok Justin isn't a brat he's beautiful and his voice is so angelic and so perfect.. but that's not the point!! Once scooter left and I heard his Convertible Speed down the road.(His newest car of 'this month.') I decided to do somthing with myself instead of sitting here sulking. I got up from the solid oak chair to put my bowl and coffee cup into the crowded dishwasher, I then pressed 'start' to give all of the dirty dishes a wash. I placed myself onto the black leather sofa and switched on Netflix , I was looking for a Christmas film to watch but I soon realised I've watched all the ones available and it was only the beginning of November. As I searched through all movies with boredom debating whether to watch the newest season of vampire diaries released, I came across a familiar looking face. Realising no one was home I decided to go ahead and watch Justin Bieber's Believe Movie as I haven't seen it already. I got my purple blanket and snuggled into the sofa to try and enjoy the movie and hope to lean more about him. It was an amazing movie but it wasn't over yet his performances were incredible & his dancing was amazing. It made me want to go see him on tour! Avalanna Routh was just shown and Justin was the sweetest, I've never seen that side of him. I hope it's real and not just for show. I was still in tears after the story of Avalanna & of how upset Justin was, his OLLG performance to her when she passed was so special. Trying to wipe away my tears as the subject changed and scooter was now handing out free tickets, Justin preformed another song and The tears kept flowing. I think everything was just too much & seeing how special Justin was shown in this movie made it worse. I soon heard the door unlocking? Scooter wasn't even gone 1 hour yet? I couldn't find the remote to turn Justin's movie off and my face was still soaking wet from my tears. Surprisingly Justin was the face I was greeted by as the Door swung open. I was so imbarrised, not only has Justin now seen me with no makeup on but he's seen me looking a total mess, crying whilst watching him on tv this wasn't looking good.
"Babe, what's up?" He asked, closing the door behind him with his face looking as flawless as ever.
I couldn't reply I didn't know what to say. Justin broke the silence after waiting a good long minute for my reply.
"I see your watching believe, what do you think?"
I soon began bawling into Justin's shirt, he strait away wrapped his arms around me and pushed my head into his neck which smelt gorgeous, by the way! Once I let all my tears out he pushed me back to look into my eyes whilst I looked strait into his back, he leaned in slowly...Was this just about to happen, I prepared myself. I couldn't believe this was happening, never in my life I would imagine watching Justin's movie let alone crying at it and soon kissing the man himself. Our noses touched and our pouted lips were millimetres away, until the door burst wide open with a shocked and angry scooter standing there. Justin quickly pulled away, and shot his hands up in the air like he was being threatened.
I quickly opened my eyes and froze in shock with my lips still pouted, ready for the kiss.
"I'm sorry!" He exclaimed quickly walking out.
"I should go.." He said, looking at me like I meant nothing to him.
What are these mind games? And why is he playing them with me? I'm probably just another one of those girls I see him with in magazines. Making sure I won't be next I promised myself I would never lay eyes on him again. But I didn't have enough time to figure out a way how to make the subject NOT come up whist around my friends as they wanted to know everything. I had more important things on my mind, like scooter glaring at me. Wow. My plan was to stay away from him for today, not make things even worse. Thank God there was no paparazzi in This house.

A/N: Just so you know I love Ariana Grande! I think he voice is incredible & she is so stunning but this is just the character I imagined her as in this book. Jashley is coming soon & I'm excited!

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