Why cant everything be perfect?

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It was 9am when the sound of my alarm woke me . I was leaning towards my desk to tap the snooze button untill I remembered what i had planned for today. I shot up from my memory foam matris & put my favourite playlist on. The first song that played was nick jonas - Jealous which i loved so I turned up the volume on my water speekers. I decided to text justin just to make sure hes still on for today. I didnt want to get too excited & then get stood up.
To: Justin <3
Are We Still On For Today ? At 11am?
-A x

Justins P.O.V
I was up, washed & ready for my Date With Ashley. Or was it just hanging out. I dunno ? Im normanly the type of guy that goes to sleep early in the morning and wakes up half way though the day , but today i woke up at 6am & got ready strait away? I was just sat in the studio as thats where i always hang out. i then recieved a text.
From: Ashley ;)
Are We Still On For Today? At 11am?
-A x
Shes so cute . But Is that all i get ? 1 kiss ? An 'x' means nothing anymore ? I guess whe are just hanging out then...

Of Course!! Im looking foward to seeing you. <3
-Justin x
I sent her a '<3' this time , just to see if she sends one back. I hope this is a date & not just a meet up so she can yell at me for what i did last time. But If she doesnt send a heart back i look so desperate. I decided to make myself a coffee to get my mind off her & my hunger as i woke up 3 hours ago & have 2 more hours to wait until breakfast with Ashley. Ashley . Ashley. I just love saying her name. Ashley .
I quickly zoned out of my thoughts when my phone buzzed. It was her.
Ok Good! Im Looking foward to it aswell.
-A <3
Thank FRICKEN GOODNESS. She sent a heart . Ahh . Omg im not normally like this , whats wrong with me today .

Ashleys P.O.V

By now i was up and showered and laying on my bed in a towel when i recieved justins text. Its so cute of him sending a heat. Hopefully that means he likes me back ? We will have to wait & see. I walked over to my closet to pick out my outfit. It took a while but i soon made a choice . I was wearing maroon high waisted jeans with a cream cropped jumper. I straitened my hair & sat at my dressing table ready to do my makeup. I decided to go for a natural look, obviously. I did my normal foundation/power routine & applied a suttle contour and then a baby pink blush. I then proceeded to fill in my eyebrows & applied a thin layer of liner with a cool brown toned eyeshadow in my crease & a highlight in the inner corner. It then was time for my favourite part... Mascara & lipstick . They both transform the look completely . I picked out my best mascara & applied a generous amount to my top & bottom lashes. I then got my nude pink lip liner to outine& fill in my lips before applying a thin layer of lipgloss. I was ready . When i checked my to do list i saw it was time to ring dad , so i did.

D-hi, Ash whats up?
A-I was wondering if you wanted to meet up for a coffee later?
D-Of cource! Are you free at 12?
A-NO. I mean uhm no but i can at 4?
D-sounds good.

At this point i was so happy with myself . I had everything done on my list so went downstairs to make some Green Tea. After i boiled the kettle i went over to my mum to tell her whats going on today.

A-Hey Mum.
A-im going out today at 11am. Just for coffee with a friend & again at 4pm. That okay , right ?
M-of cource! Just make sure you let me know whats happening.
A-ok, love you.
M-love you too sweetie.

She took it well ! After i drank my tea it was now 10:50 so i went & put my brown ankle boots on & grabbed my bag. I decided to wait down the street so justin wouldnt have to knock on the door.. And more importantly my family wouldnt see him knock on the door.
As soon as i got down the road i saw his Black BMW. I was so glad he didnt bring some flashy car to our date. Wait is it a date ? I got into the car & was greeted by a smiling justin & a kiss on my cheek. Yep its a date.

J-hey, how are you?
A-Good hows you?
J-Im Good. So where do you wanna go?
A-Aha dont you mean, where do you wanna go pick up a takeaway & then head back to my house. We are obviously not going out in public together.
J-mabye next time we will but for now lets get a starbucks.

As he put his foot on the pedal to drive off we held hands. I was more than happy but i dont feel as confident as i wanted to. As he still has a reputation of kissing someone & saying it means nothing. I know from example. If a kiss means nothing how are you supposed to know how he feels?
As we arrived outside starbucks he looked at me . 30 seconds went past until i realised he was signalling for me to go get our coffee's.

A-oh yeah. What are you having?
J-Large Latte please with an extra shot.
A-alright, ill be right back.

I opened the car door to go grab our drinks when he tapped my sholder.

'Here ! You dont think i was gonna let you pay do you ?' He said handing me a $50 note.
'Woahhh, dont you have change aha. Thanks ill go get them now' i replied happy at his gesture.

I walked over to the counter suprised as there was no line ? Normanly its busy ? I got the waiters attention and ordered our drinks . I just got a medium White Hot Chocolate With Chocolate Cream😍 Its My Favouriteee. As i handed the kind lady the money to pay i heard someone say my name? I realised it could be anyone so i put the change in my pocket & grabbed the drinks to leave. When i heard my name again but louder i turned around and saw my friends... The whole group of them. I waved and quickly opeaned the door eager to leave, luckily justin was right outsids & surprisingly noone has spotted him.
I got into the car & handed him his change & latte. Justin thanked me but as we began to drive up to house. Or should i say mansion he stopped the car. We hardly left starbucks , we were actualy still in the carpark when he parked & looked at me .

'Something wrong ?' I questioned waiting for an answer.
He started to smile as he moved closer towards me. I had no idea what was happening until our lips touched. I closed my eyes to enjoy the moment . It was like slow motion as our lips collided until i heard a knock on my window. We stopped abruptly and looked to see who it was . No suprise it was all my friends. I opeaned the door after looking at justin with an apologetic look. I stepped out the car & closed the door behind me. Noone was supposed to know about us. What do i tell them. They saw us kissing but we arnt dating... Yet.

A/N : Finally! Well not finally because they kissed before but you know.

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