Bonding time?..

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Im so sorry i havent updated in For Ever. I cant believe this storys got over 200 reads 😁 i did this for fun. It may not seem alot but to me its crazy . Thank You.

Ive been at home for over a month & i havent even heard from Dad.. Or Justin. I feel like such a stalker checking his social medias every morning to see what hes up to. Ive seen a few pictures with girls like Kendell Jenner. Erghh shes so beautiful its unreal. Im nothing compared to her, so ive decided i will try not to even think about him anymore. Ive told my friends everything, & i was suprised how well they took it to be honest. But they probably took it perfectly because they are all fangirls.
Ive told my mum multiple of times to tell her 'husband' to piss off. But shes too weak, she just keeps on begging & forgiving. It's exhausting to keep track of their relationship status. So i tried to be nice & act like a 'step-daughter' ONLY for mums sake!!! He was heading down to Southampton to drop his 6 year old daughter off at her mums (who is also a sycopath) He only sees her every 2 weeks. And im Glad!! She is a spoilt brat. Plus I had to share a room with her, ew. So i decided to join the 4 hour car ride, to make mum happy. So she doesnt have to go & can finally have a break from fulfilling his needs 24/7.
So we set off. I decided to sit in the back. Well to be totaly honest, i hate the back seats but she damanded to sit in the front so.. She Did! . The Car journy there was awful ! I was SO SO SO GREATFUL i ended up sitting behind, THANK YOU GOD. Otherwise the screaming, Singing,shouting & crappy music would have been even worse. Oh.My.Gosh. I wanted to jump out of the car, too bad the back doors had child
safety locks. Once we finally dropped the little rat off i jumped in the front to control the music & have a heated seat. I slipped a random CD into the player & luckily it was the vamps, I LOVEEE THEM. Brads my fav ✌️ I put number 8 on which was 'Another World' -my favourite. And sunk back into the leather seat closing my eyes, trying to avoid convocation. I was slowly drifting off to sleep, trying to catch up on the little i sleep i had last night all because of Sera (his daughter.) When i suddenly felt a touch on my knee, my eyes immediately sprung opean. What.The.Hell. Was he doing..
I stared at him waiting for an apology & for him to move his hand. But he didnt even look at me. My eyes moved to check the 'Tom Tom' seeing how long we had left until i was home. The estimated arival time was 1hour. I started to get worried wondering why his hand still hasnt moved & why its there in the first place. My mind then became clear, he's obviously used to having mum travel with him. So i decided to start a convocation thinking he would then realise it was me & move his hand.
"So Daren, How long do we have left until we get home?" I questioned knowing it was 1hour & expecting him to say the same. His hand stayed in the same position& he was silent, but as he quickly tuned down a narrow, dark, abandoned road he replied.
"2hours." Whilste looking at me smiling. I began to get scared especially as the 'Tom Tom' started telling us to turn around. He then unplugged it & turned down the music. Placing his hand back onto my left leg, but higher up this time onto my middle of my thigh. We drove for about 3 minutes until he finally broke the silence.
"So who do you love more, me or your Dad ?" Daren Asked looking at me with a stare. Everything at this point was in slow motion, i was petrified. I felt extremely pressured into saying Him, especially because of the current situation. So i did.
"You Of cource, dad just cares about his celebrities. Anyway i haven't even heard from him at all." I quietly stated.
As i waited for a reply his rough hand moved higher up my thigh& the car slowed down. I was Terrified at this point. My eyes filled with water. As soon as we looked at eachother the tears ran down my face. Trevor pulled over onto the side of the road, us being surrounded by forest he ran up the road. Leaving me in the car. On my own. I Had no idea what was going on! It was pitch black at this point & i was in the middle of nowhere. On my own. I looked towards the directed he ran, but could no longer see him. It was 11pm at night. I was not getting out the car, but had no idea what to do. I had extream anxiety!!!

A/N- Sorry For The Short Chapter its actualy 1am & i have so much revision for my exams. But i checked my account & i wanted to update for you!!! I was like Half asleep as i wrote this so please excuse any bad spelling etc. like always aha .

OH AND ALSO . Whos seen Justins Calvin Klein Photo Shoot ? 2015 is his year ! I can feel it & im excited .
xoxo -S

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