chp 1

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A/N: Hey there guys! Just wanted to say some few things. I'm sorry for my grammar bcs english isn't really my first language:") Oh yes, the storm in Arcadia Bay happened at the same year as life is strange 2 but it happened three months ago! that's all for the info and enjoy the story!


"Here ya go!" y/n puts the coffee next to Brody's laptop and she seats across him eating a hotdog.

"Thanks kiddo" Brody said and starts to take a sip of the coffee. Y/n didn't like it when Brody call her "kiddo" or "kid" because she thinks she is now old, well she's 16 years old it make sense.

Brody spit out the coffee and gave a disgusting look to y/n. "Whotz wit he face?" Y/n ask chewing her hotdog. "Don't ever try the coffee" Brody said and continued typing.

Both of them met on the road, Brody is a online traveling journalist, while Y/n? She was from Arcadia Bay, the town got wiped by a big tornado which is caused by her best friend Max. She have this superpower that can rewind time and that's what the cause of the tornado. It killed everyone, her parents, and friends, except Max, Chloe, her, and her boyfriend. Four of them runaway together but ended up in a fight which made y/n got so angry she ran away alone. Her boyfriend got so upset until he call the cops to look for her but they haven't found her yet. Of course the cops would do what he says, his father owns Arcadia Bay. So that means y/n is on the run from the cops.

Brody and Y/n are at a cafe at some gas station in Washington. The owner's husband is weird, he asked if they're homeless but Brody bought so many stuffs and left that weird man speechless and angry.

"Hey, i'm going to buy us some water before we get going okay?" I stand up and ask Brody.

"Okay, and buy me some snacks too will ya?" Brody ask and i chuckled "sure do!"

I was getting some water and snacks until i heard the cafe door open. I'm curios so i took a peek and saw this two kids, one of em is like a 9 year old and the other one is about the same age as me i guess..when they turn around my direction..

wait..are they..are they the Diaz Brothers?

3rd Person POV
"Whoa sean, they have Chock-o-crisp!" Daniel said and get some bars of it.

"Daniel..i only have like..30 bucks" Sean says but Daniel beg him so he just gave up and let daniel have the bar.

He sees someone or a girl staring at him, he quickly walk around the cafe. But then, he sees a big bearded guy with his laptop looking at some nude pictures.

"I know what you're thinking. What the hell is this creep looking at?" Brody ask Sean and it got him startled.

", i don't mean..i mean.."

"It's not as weird as it seems though. These people, they only wanna live a normal life just..naked! I mean, if they're not harming anyone who's to say they're wrong?" Brody asks, Sean was about to reply when suddenly someone answered "Nobody".

Sean look where the voice come from and it's the same person who's staring at him. They exchanged looks..and Brody suddenly interrupt "Yeah, i agree! Yes! Why should we all be the same? Who says so?"

"Heh never mind. I'm getting carried away..Name's Brody. I'm kind of traveling journalist" Brody introduced himself.

"Sean" Sean introduces himself too and look at the girl. "Y/n" She smiled.

"Uhm..what is traveling journalist?" Sean ask. "Just a fancy name for someone who drives around in a car, writing about peoplr and stuff, right Brody?" Y/n said and look towards Brody. He chuckled and nodded "Yes, indeed! There's a few websites that pay me for these papers, since i know how to write"

𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒚✧˖*°࿐( 𝙨𝙚𝙖𝙣 𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙯 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧) Where stories live. Discover now