chp 3

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Once upon a time..
In a wild..wild world..there were two wolf brothers, living in their own lair with their papa wolf..They all lived happily together day..hunters took their Dad away..forever.

So now the brothers were alone..and they had to find a new home..They started a journey, trough the great big forest..The wolf brothers wondered for days and nights, learning how to live on their own for the first time..They slept in the backwoods among creepy creatures, and barely ate anything.

They eventually found a peaceful orchard, and were able to eat in peace..But they didn't know, hunters tried to tied them up..but the wolf brothers managed to escape, with the help of a friendly bare and a fox..They show them how to survive and helped then find a warm camp for the night..And eventually, hunters trying to find the fox she join the wolf brothers and they greeted her with a warm welcome..

That's when the fox and the big wolf brother discovered..that the little one..was not an ordinary wolf..but a super wolf!

That's how they found themselves even further, headed to the faraway land of their papa, where they find peace.

2nd person's pov
You're seating on the rocks next to the river. It's really cold since it starts to snow, four of you found an abandoned house in the middle of the woods, and found some jackets inside for the winter.

It's already been a month since what happened in the motel. You, Sean, and even Daniel don't know how that were still thinking about it all day, your mind is still processing about what how did he do that? is he just like Max? but with a different power? your thoughts are all like that every single day.

3rd Person's POV
"You're getting better enano" Sean said. Daniel practice all day and his skill is better everyday.

"You hear that Mushroom?!" Daniel said happily while Mushroom jumps around excited and bark.

Sean looks at y/n and he looks worried. He know y/n's shocked by this, Sean too. "Keep practicing" Sean said walking to Y/n. He seats next to her "hey.." he said.

"Hey.." Y/n replied.

"So..what are you thinking?" Sean asks, y/n shrug "well..about a lot of things, and about..daniel" y/n said with a low voice.

"Sean i..i haven't tell you something..about uhh.." Y/n try to say something but she can't.

"What?" Sean asks.

Should i tell him??


"Guys look! I can lift it!!" Daniel said with a loud voice. Sean is still waiting for y/n to say about something but y/n stand up and go to Daniel. He just sat there, confused.

I go to Daniel to see what he's talking about, well i guess i have to tell Sean about Max later..I got closer to Daniel and see him lifting up a big rock with his powers.

"Woah Daniel!" I said looking all surprised, i heard Sean walking towards us and he's clapping because of excitement. Daniel put down the big rock with his powers and jump around. "Did you guys see that?!" Daniel ask excitingly. Sean patted his back and said "You did good enano!". "I guess those practices really paid off" I said while patting his hair making it look like a mess. "Hey! My hair's gonna get all messy but thanks!" Daniel said with an annoying voice of his. "Did you see that mushroom?!" Daniel patted her and she looks really happy barking.

"Lets go get our canteens filled" Sean said, Daniel and i nodded. We headed to the dock, we pick up our canteen and fill it up with the cold water. While Daniel was filling up his canteen he suddenly said "this water is so fucking cold i'm freezing". Both Sean and I look at each other with widen eyes and then we look at him. "Oops, sorry..i said fucking" Daniel apologized. Sean and i laugh at him and i said "It's okay dan! No one's here to stop you from cursing, right Sean?" Sean nodded "Yeah, curse whenever you want!", "Awesome!" Daniel said sound very excited.

𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒚✧˖*°࿐( 𝙨𝙚𝙖𝙣 𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙯 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧) Where stories live. Discover now