chp 4

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2nd person's pov

"Hey Daniel! How are you doing?!" Sean yelled while packing, "It sucks!" Daniel replied having some trouble organizing his bag because he's bringing too much stuff while you on the other hand, you woke up earlier than them so you can make them some breakfast. After you cooked, you already pack all of your stuff.

"I'm coming" Sean says as he finish packing, walking inside the room. Mushroom's barking scratching the glass slide door signing that she want's to pee or take a shit, so you let her get out. "I'll find you later girl" You said and sees the dog walking away.

"It doesn't fit in! There's too much stuff.."

"It's fucking bullshit!"

"Okay chill out.."

You heard Daniel cursed again, you're still not use to hear him swear but you'll get used to it someday. You walk inside the room leaning back to the wall looking at them.

"What the fuck? Dude you can't fit the whole room.." Sean said as he sighs, he suddenly looks at you and then got his gaze back to Daniel "D-don't worry..Your strong big brother can help" He said with a weak smile but added something "with Y/n" as he looks at you with his not so weak smile anymore.

"Well, i guess you're not super strong after all since you needed my help" You said crouching next to him, you can already see his eyes rolls as you and him starts to pack Daniel's stuff. And oh boy he did brought a lot like a lot of stuff..

After finish packing Daniel's bag he asked "Where's Mushroom?", you replied "I think she's still peeing outside, i let her out earlier" while you grab Daniel's bag and put it with yours and Sean. "I'm gonna check what she's up to" He said as he run outside the house.

"Yeah we'll be filling up some bottles and we'll catch up with you two" Sean said and goes inside the bathroom, you follow behind him and filled your bottle until it's full.

"Well..i'm gonna miss this filthy ass bathroom" You said, "Oh c'mon it's not that filthy" Sean said as he finishes filling two of the bottles. "Uhm yea you and Daniel can pee everywhere while i can't" You said walking outside the bathroom "Hey, its not my fault you don't have a dick" He said followed by a chuckle. "Hmm about that.." you look at him with a smirk, he looks away from you with a groan "Oh god you're disgusting". "Look who's talking" You said laughing sarcastically.

Sean and you finished packing up the canteens, but Daniel haven't showed up yet. "Where the hell is he?" Sean asks, you suddenly feel..something bad must've happened. "W-we should look for him" You said and walk outside, Sean follows you.

"Daniel!" You yell his name same goes for Sean. "Daniel! Fuck where did he go?" Sean ask with a worried expression on his face. You two walked follow Daniel's footprint until..

Blood?! Who's blood is this?!

"S-sean..There's blood" You said starts to get scared, what if something bad happened to Daniel or Mushroom or even both. Sean started to walk faster than you, and then..Mushroom's bandana was on the snowy ground with blood..

Oh god this is not good..

Sean grab the bandana and both of you follow the trail of blood. And we saw Daniel! "Daniel?! What are you-" as we got closer to the scene..there's a coyote and..Mushroom's dead body "O-oh my god..Mushroom!" You said with a quiet voice. "Daniel! Do not..move" Sean got closer to Daniel but he suddenly yelled "It killed her! She was my friend!" he's face..he was hurt but so angry at the same time. You knew this is gonna be bad.

"Dan..Calm down okay?" You tried holding his hand but he yanked it and then.. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Daniel uses his powers on the coyote and it's in the air! Both you and Sean just stand there don't know what to do but to look at the coyote as Daniel snapped it's neck. "YOU KILLED MY DOG!!" He lets go of the coyote.

"Fuck! Daniel.."

"It just happened..What's happening to me?" Daniel suddenly hugged both you and Sean as he starts to cry, you stroked his hair slowly " just wanted to protect us.."You said. The three of us broke the hug, you can still see Daniel cried so you put your hands around his shoulder. "Save your strength..we..we'll figure it out" Sean said as he go pick up Mushroom's dead body. Daniel started to stroke Mushroom's lifeless body, his hands are shaking. "'s alright..i'm here..y/n's here too" Sean said and we started to walk to find a good place to set Mushroom's grave.

Minutes later, the three of you already buried Mushroom, Sean made a cross carved with Mushroom and gave it to Daniel " should do it" Daniel grab the cross and planted it on top of the grave.

"Is that it?" Daniel ask looking at both you and Sean. "Well..unless you wanted to say something" Sean said as he patted Daniel's back. "Uh..goodbye mushroom..You were such a good puppy..i'll always remember running through the snow with you..and how you snuggle..and i'll never forget you..ever!" He said while crying..You suddenly have flashbacks about Max saying that Chloe used to have a cat but it died.

"Good in wont be forgotten.." Sean added, and yes its your turn now. "Hey shroom! I never knew this will happen..i wont forget about how you almost peed on my shoes..and the way you sometimes sleeper on my lap..may you rest in heaven girl" You said, you turn around to see Sean smiling and mouthed "Thank you..", you nodded and go next to Daniel.

" you think she's up in Heaven with dad?" Daniel ask look next to Sean, "Yeah..i'm sure he'll look after her" Sean said patted Daniel's back. "Wait..what about his allergies?" Daniel asks, and you let out a giggle. "Don't worry enano, there's no allergies up there, they'll be fine together" Sean said with a weak smile.

"Okay..we should go it's getting late" Sean said, as we were walking towards the house Daniel said "Sean..y/n..i'm sorry i killed the cat, i don't know what i was thinking..if only i could.." You put a hand on his shoulder "I know..c'mon buddy".

The three of us goes inside the room, putting on our bags and goes outside. "Wish we didn't have to go..I like having a house again.." Daniel said as he took one last look of the house, same as you.

"Come on.. lets hit the road" Sean says,

"What about my traps? Should we leave them up?" Daniel asks as we walk, "They'll protect the next runaway who stays here" You said assuring him. "Bye lord look after our Mushroom" Daniel said as we walk pass a two headed snowman he build with you helping him.

"So long, my dudes..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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