Chapter Six

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Izuku's POV
TW Panic attack

I feel my whole world crumble around me as I look at my friend trapped behind the glass.

I couldn't understand why Todoroki would show me this. She looked okay enough. If okay meant at least she is not beat to a pulp. Other than that fact she was definitely not okay. Her hair was wild and her skin was a sickly color. Her rosy cheeks almost looked painted if it wasn't for how hollow they were.

"Have you guys not been feeding her?" I ask Todoroki as I stare at my dazed, broken friend.

"We have tried but she barely ever eats it," Todoroki says looking at the ground instead of me. "She also hasn't talked to anyone and only shows a response to one of us."

I take a step closer to the glass praying to whatever god there is that she responds. "Ura?"

The sad girl turns her head to me. Her eyes were bloodshot but there was something else that was off.

I knew she could see me but I couldn't tell if she was seeing me.

Uraraka shot up from the ground faster than it seemed she should be able to. She slowly turned to me with a confused expression.

"UrarAhh" I scream as she lungs at the glass. I jump back but lose my footing and fall to the ground.

A scream of her own rings out. She continues to attack the glass while screaming. That is when I noticed it. There were scratch marks all over her face that looked self-inflicted.

The door to the room opens and I see Todoroki rush in with Toga following close behind. I scoot farther away from the glass.

Toga opened the door that connected this room with Uraraka's. I watch as she runs up to Uraraka and hugs her. I was shocked at first but quickly calmed down when I saw Uraraka hug back.

Todoroki held his hand out to me which I took. "We should go. Us being here isn't going to help," He said softly. I follow him out of the room trying to keep a brave face. We walked through the bar and no one looked me in the eye.

We walked back up to Todoroki's room. The second the door shut I broke down crying. My tears burned my eyes as my vision blurs. I try to breathe but the air gets stuck in my throat. I hug my stomach as I continue to try and breathe.

"Bunny," I hear through the pounding of my head.

I bring my hands up to my head. Maybe that would stop the pounding. I grab two fistfuls of my hair and start to pull. I felt a different pair of arms wrap around my waist. I recognize the arms as Todoroki's.

"Talk it out," He whispers to me as he used to when we were first years.

"Ura is hurting, she is pain. I can't help her. I can't help anyone They are hurt and I can't do anything. I am always going to be Useless Deku," I try to pull my hair but Todoroki grabs my hands and holds them.

"Hey hey hey, you helped me. You saved me. And everyone else. Everyone is safe and happy because of you," He hums.

"But Kacchan and Ura" I try to argue.

"They are okay. Everything is okay," He repeats softly. "Take a break, just take a nap it will help,"

"Thank you, Shoto," I nod and close my eyes quickly falling asleep in Todoroki's arms.

Todoroki's POV

I look down at the sleeping boy in my arms.

"I never should have left you," I say out loud.

I doubt that I will ever get over that guilt. I stand up with Izuku still in my arms. He shifted and started to cling to me like a koala.

"Are you even really asleep?" I didn't get a response.

-A week later-

I sigh and look at the clock. Not even two minutes till the meeting. I know that the others would've understood this a week ago when Izuku was still getting used to it here. But now to them, I had just gone soft. Which I guess is kinda true. But in my defense, they have all gone soft too. Everyone in the league was wrapped around Midoriya's finger, even if they wouldn't admit it.

"Maybe they wouldn't mind if I take Midoriya. He is sleeping so it shouldn't really matter."

I think about it for about a minute and then leave. I don't really have a choice. I walk down the stairs and into the bar.

"Why do you have the kid with you?" Dabi asks me with a scowl.

"Calm down he is asleep," I reply and then turn to everyone else. "So what is up with this emergency meeting?"

"Ibara came back and she said that she has to talk to us. All of us," Momo explains a grim look cemented on her face.

I sit down at the table suddenly regretting bringing Midoriya. Ibara never waited to talk to all of us. She usually just talked to Kendo and Momo, maybe Shigaraki. The only reason I could think that she would talk to all of us is if the news was so bad that she had to be the one to give it.

Everyone else sits down in their spots and Ibara walks into the room. She was wearing her usual strange dress and her braids were down.

"Hello everyone. As you all already know I have some news and it is not pleasant," She says softly.

"What is it Ibara," Monama asks getting impatient. I kick him under the table. His head swivels around the table trying to figure out who it was.

"Some members of UA have planned an attack. I do not know how they learned where we are but they have. As far as I can tell the attack is fully planned out."

"We can move. We have before and we can again," Dabi suggests.

"No, we can not. They have almost twenty scouts in this area alone. There is nowhere we can go without getting killed on site."

"As if they could kill us," Toga says.

A huge argument breaks out after that. A look around the table and notice that like me the others who have been to UA are staying quiet. Well not Monama but UA did try to kill him. I suppose they tried to kill me too but that was different. Mina had put her head down and was trying to cover her ears. Kendo and Momo were talking to each other sadly. I cover Izuku's ears to try and make sure he didn't wake up.

I jump as someone slams the table. Everyone else shuts up and looks at the source of the sound. Mic was standing at the end of the table with crossed arms. He gestures to Ibara telling her to continue.

"The people that are leading the attack are All Might, Eraserhead, and," Ibara pauses and looks at the past UA members. "Katsuki Bakugou."

"Of course he is. He can't stand not having someone to push around," I speak up even though I know that Bakugo hasn't hurt Midoriya in a long time.

"The whole attack was Bakugou's idea. He was-"

"Kacchan planned what," a furious voice asks.

I look down and see that Izuku had woken up. He stands up and looks at everyone.

"Seriously what is going on?" He asks again.

"UA is planning to attack us. To get you back," Ibara says bluntly. Usually, I appreciated her bluntness but right now I hated it.

"And Kacchan is leading this attack?"

"Yes, he is," Dabi responds this time.

"What if I went back?"

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