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"I don't think that this is the best idea. We don't know what he's capable of. And what if he finds out about you? Or that you're a spy for the-" Gara interrupted Finn's rambling by covering his mouth with her hand.

"Poe, if he doesn't stop talking I am going to lose it" she said and then turned her attention back to Finn. "I will be alright okay? Nobody knows about me and nobody can sense the force within me okay? I can take care of myself."

It was true, when she was a young girl Luke Skywalker refused to train her because he didn't sense the force within her. He thought that there was nothing to work with, that is until her father made her show him what she was already capable of. She's always had the power, just not well controlled. She spend 12 years of her life training with the Jedi Master until everything with Ben Solo fell apart.

Ben Solo. It was hard for her to believe that if everything works out as planned, she will be walking on the same ship as him within a few hours. She knew of him since she was a little girl, but never got the chance of meeting him as she was kept secret even from him. Now the years of never knowing anyone her age will pay off, she could help save the mission of the resistance.

She put the finishing touches on her new ship. She couldn't show up on the Starkiller Base with a ship previously owned by the resistance. It would blow her cover immediately, so she bought off a wrecked ship and made it almost brand new within two weeks, working on it for hours each day. "You can still back out..." Poe said, supporting Finn's opinion on the whole mission.

Gara threw her bag into the ship. "I could, but I shouldn't. This is my mission, and as of right now I am the only capable of completing it. I will be in contact with Leia, so if anything is wrong, you will know" she said and pulled the boys into hug. "Now, where's Chewie, I need to say goodbye to him before I leave."

Chewie entered the room, he too wasnt sure about sending Gara on the enemy lines, but he trusted Leia, she was one of his oldest friends and he already lost so many people. He trusted their judgement and hoped for her safe return. "Chewie, come here" she smiled sadly, pulling her friend into an embrace. "I'll miss you. Take care of the boys, we both know they can't be trusted to take care of themselves." The embrace lasted a couple seconds before Gara pulled away, saying her goodbyes to the rest of the crew including Ray and General Leia.

She jumped into her ship, knowing that she won't see her family for a long time. She waved at them one more time before pulling out of the base, on her way to join the First Order.

Finding them was easier than she hoped for, it didn't take long for her to land her spacecraft onto the landing dock of their base. But, as expected, she was welcomed by a group of storm troopers, their blasters pointed at her face as soon as she stepped out.

"I'm here to see General Pryde" she said calmly, showing them that she was in fact, not armed.

The storm troopers led her to the command center, cautious about a possible attack. She had nothing of that sorts in mind, at least for now. All she wanted was a position, to work with the First Order.

"Who are you?" Were the first words out of Pryde's mouth when she stepped into the room. Out fo the corner, Hux watched the young girl.

"My name is Gara. I want to help out" she said. She really should've planned what she was going to say, but this entire situation was foreign and unpredictable.

"And what could you offer? What makes you think that you would be a great asset?" He asked, clearly not amused but the young girl's request.

"I'm great with ships, and from what I've heard you could use the help. The resistance has a team of amazing pilots and crew, you need to improve your spacecrafts if you want to stand a chance in the future" she said. She did believe that in no time, the resistance's battle crafts were going to be superior, she and Poe did spend hours trying to improve their x-wings.

"And you are capable of that? How do you know so much of the resistance" Hux chimes in, skeptical of Gara and her motives.

"Word travels around. Civilians like to talk." She said, "and yes, I wouldn't be here if I didn't think I was capable of doing the job. I've been working as a mechanic my entire life, I know a ship better than I know the back of my own hand"

General Pryde looked her dead in the eyes and led her to the hangar, where the ships were stored. "Prove yourself, make this thing run, and you might have a place here" he said, leading her to an old, rusted piece of machinery. This was no easy job, but she was always ready for a challenge.

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