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The next day, Jeremy sees Rich practically everywhere. The short boy does a good job of blending in, until you know what to look for. And maybe it's just that Jeremy finds himself searching for Rich without even realizing it. After all, Rich Goranski is the main thing on his mind today. But whatever the reason, he seems to be everywhere, as if to make sure Jeremy's mind never wanders from him.

Not even a week ago, Jeremy never would've imagined he'd be inviting Rich over to his house to play video games. He would think you were crazy if you told him he'd have Rich's number, and Rich would have his. But things have changed quickly.

Rich came back to school a completely different person, a person who Jeremy finds himself wanting to hang out with and getting to know better. Rich seems to want to be left alone, to push everyone away and fade into the shadows. But jeremy is determined to break down the wall and get to know the real Rich Goranski. Even if Rich tries to push him away. Something inside him...just wants to help him and be friends with him.

The lunch bell rings, snapping him out of his thoughts. He picks up his things, walking down to the cafeteria.

Of course, he spots Rich nearly right away. Jeremy already agreed to sit with Michael and Brooke again, for some reason, deciding he would do his best to ignore his jealously. But maybe...

He watches Rich go sit at a table in the corner, alone. Maybe it'll be easier for him if he invites Rich to sit at the table too? That way Rich won't be lonely and Jedemy won't have to be the jealous third-wheel.

He sets his food tray down at Michael's table. "I'll be back in a sec."

Jeremy hurries over to Rich's table, sitting down in front of him. Rich flinches, looking up at Jeremy. The fear filling his brown eyes fades a bit as he recognizes Jeremy.

" again..."

"I was wondering if you'd like to sit at my table with me, Michael, and Brooke?" Jeremy asks quickly.

Rich's eyes widen as he looks behind Jeremy, seeing the table. He shakes his head quickly, his gaze snapping down to his food tray. ", thanks..." he mumbles.

Jeremy nods. "Ok, that's fine. I won't pressure you into anything. But if you want to hang out again, just text me, ok?"

Rich nods and Jeremy stands up, going back to Michael's table and sitting down. Michael's glaring at him, his fork poking at his food.

"Why were you talking to Goranski, huh? He ruined your life. I warned him to stay far away from you, I never thought you'd be the one going up to him!"

"Michael-..." Brooke's puts a hand on Michael's shoulder.

"Brooke, he's a bad person. I don't think Jeremy should be talking to him."

Jeremy's speechless. Sure, he should've seen this coming from Michael. He's petty and holds grudges like no one else. But still, hasn't he noticed how much Rich has changed? He should at least give him a chance, since he's a completely different person. Plus, what did Michael say? "I wanted him to stay far away from you." No wonder Rich didn't want to sit here, at this table. Sounds like Michael talked to Rich, possibly threatening him and scaring the shit out of him in the process.

Jeremy looks at Michael, bewildered. "Michael, he's a totally different person now! He's not anything like the bully he was before. Plus, the squip made him into that person! And cut him some slack, he's been through a lot lately with the fire and all that."

Michael's even angrier now. "Oh, so you're defending him?! You're actually defending him. This is ridiculous! Do you know who we're talking about? Rich Goranski is a psychopath freak. He may be acting different, but no one can change that drastically that fast! He's a complete asshole still, I know it."

"Michael, c'mon..." Brooke says gently, trying to get him to stop.

Michael ignores her.

Jeremy sees Rich out of the corner of his eye, noticing him watching the conversation. Their tables aren't too far apart, Rich can probably hear every word they're saying. Jeremy feels awful, seeing Rich glare down at his food, wiping furiously at his eyes to keep tears from coming.

Jeremy looks back at Michael. "No, I know he's a completely different person! He's not "acting"! I know! I had him over at my house yesterday and-"

Michael practically has steam coming out of his ears. "Wait wait wait wait- did I hear you right? Rich fucking Goranksi was at your house?! You had him over? You trusted him not to go crazy and try to kill you or burn your house down?! Have you lost your mind Jeremy?!" Michael scoffs. "He's really taking this prank far. Just wait. He'll reel you in until it's too late and BAM he'll ruin your life again. That little motherfucker. You can't trust him, Jeremy! And if you do..just know I'm not gonna change my mind. If you keep hanging out with him, I'll just leave you. I'm not gonna risk getting hurt by that freak too."

Jeremy glares at him. "Michael, I don't know why you're being such an asshole! But if you're not going to even give him a chance, then I guess we can't be friends anymore! I don't want to hang out around someone so blinded by a grudge!"

Jeremy stands up, storming away from Michael's table. He stops at Rich's table, sitting down in front of the boy, who's trying to hide his tears with his jacket sleeve.

Rich looks up at Jeremy, his eyes red and puffy. "Leave, please," he says, his voice so soft it's barely audible.

Jeremy nods, looking back at Michael's table, where Brooke seems to be getting after Michael for his harsh words. Jeremy turns back to Rich. "I'm so sorry about that...he's a bitch...are you ok?"

Rich nods.

Jeremy isn't convinced. "Look...I know you're not ok. Michael just said a bunch of crap about you, I know you're not fine. But guess what. None of it is true." Jeremy takes Rich's hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "I want to get to know you better. You seem like a great guy. I know that none of what Michael said was true, that you were only that way because of the squip. But this is the real you, isn't it? It's you. And I want to get to know the real rich. Just...know that you can talk to me, ok? I know we don't know each other too well, but we both went through all that shit...with the squip..."

Rich nods quickly, obviously uncomfortable. He keeps wiping at his eyes, avoiding Jeremy's gaze.

Jeremy nods. "Ok..."

He doesn't know what else to say, so he just walks away, not sure where to go. He doesn't really want to stay at school. So he heads home, knowing his dad won't care. He may be going to work now, but he still has a lot to work on for being a dad.

Jeremy sighs, reaching his house. He opens the door, heading up the stairs to his bedroom. He lays on his bed, staring up at the ceiling.

He doesn't know how to feel about what happened today.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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