Battle's and Blood (3)

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*Shota POV*

I was confused at why Yamada was staring straight at me but I decided to ignore him . Though I did look at him to try and get him out of his daze , it worked but he turned his head around very violently and ........I thought ,'did he just blush ?! No... no I must be imagining it . He probably has a sunburn , if anything .' I went again to focus on the fight ahead , but I just couldn't get him off my mind . He was going to make me lose ! I tried harder to focus and make up some sort of fighting strategy .

*Nobody POV*

The fight between a girl with a laughing quirk and a boy with a weird duplicate quirk ended after a while , with the boy on the floor laughing at a joke about doors . Hizashi jumped at the sudden notice that the fight had ended . He had a lump in his throat , but even so he pushed up his glasses and jumped to one end of the square they were fighting on . Shota was already there . Everybody laughed when Hizashi did his classic finger guns , and everyone believed he would win . (All of class knew his quirk due to him accidentally using it during class .) Gran Torino shouted 'Go !' and Hizashi breathed in , ready to end the fight quickly with his quirk . Suddenly , Shota jumped right at Hizashi his hair floating and his eyes a bright red . Hizashi never really was that fast or agile , he relied mostly on his quirk . He screamed trying to use his quirk against his opponent , and he did scream but not loud like it was when he used his quirk .

*Hizashi POV*

I tried using my quirk and I didn't ! I was terrified . When I walked up to the square ready to fight I was right about one thing though , that I thought about the fight , the fact that it would be over in a matter of seconds . The last thing I could remember was Shota leaping at me and a painful sting in my head . Everything was black . I had been knocked out .

*Nobody POV*

Everyone was astonished at the fall . Hizashi was bleeding and many rushed over trying to get to him before Gran Torino held them back , from touching the already in pain Hizashi and trying to throw as many punches at Shota as they could . The bots came over with a stretcher and took Hizashi to recovery girl . A bit later , Gran Torino told Shota to go and see if Hizashi was going to be fine and that he needn't come back . (This was Gran Torino trying to get Shota away from the students that now hated him and wanted to kill him for knocking Hizashi out .) He did as he was told and headed off to recovery girl's nurse's office .

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii so yey ........... tell me if you like cats !

Word Count=487

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