The First Tenno

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It was all over the news. The disease was spreading all over across the globe. It had all started with just Europe but now it had come to America. I have to admit I was afraid. I did not know what to do. I knew that my boss would send to work on the streets. I didn't want to go out there. What if I caught the disease? I should just call in sick... But then they will think I have the disease and send science mans to put me on quarantine. Hayden get yourself together. Is your job to protect the city. You must be the detective you have always been.

I got dressed and went towards my car that was in the garage. With much precaution I opened the garage door and got in the car. Slowly driving towards the police station I saw the streets empty. Not a soul walked by the streets. Everyone seemed to be locked in their homes. Finally I got to the police station, got out of my car and walked towards the entrence. I pushed opened the door and got to my desk. Pushing an old black chair towards me I grabbed my morning coffee that my boss always prepared. The boss walked out of his comfy office and he brought his fat butt with him. "Morning chief"- I exclaimed. He replied with a sad yet loud voice -"Hayden Tenno! In my office please we have something to discuss". I cowardly raised from my chair and walked behind him. Besides his big butt, I saw surprisingly all the chairs at the police station full everyone had come to work. My boss sat in his sit and pointed me to mine. "Hayden I am sure you are familiar to what's going on". He said before letting me take my seat. "You talking about the sickness"- I replied while sitting down. He nodded and pulled out a file from the desk. "This couple was infected this morning". - He pointed at the pictures of a couple. "The wife was shoot down, but the husband is nowhere to be found"-he continued. "What am I supposed to do?"- I asked a little scared. "Hunt him"-he replied.

I left the police station and got to the directions written on the file. I was going to enter the house to search for clues, when I saw a little girl on the house across, watching from the window. Instantly I stared back but the little girl ran away from the window. I entered the house and I could hear sounds of what sounded like something swelling. Whatever it was it sounded discussing. "Ugh"- I thought to myself. It looks like it came from upstairs so I might a well check what's going on. Step by step I got to the second floor. There I found myself in a hall with two doors. I opened the door on my right and saw a white painted bathroom. I turned to face the other door and walked towards it while cocking my gun. It seemed I made my way to the door. Trembling I put my hand on it and opened it. In the room stood nothing but a bed and mirror. On the floor a girl lied probably not older than twenty one. She was the wife the chief talked about. In her stomach a large bubble was swelling and it grew bigger and bigger by the second. All over the walls of the room large bubbles seemed to sprout. It was a disgusting sight. I ran towards the door to avoid vomiting. I knew I had to do something about that bubble so I shoot it. A yellow slimy goo spread all over the room covering me with it. Quickly I went to the bathroom and turned on the tab. The yellow goo came rushing down the tab. I ran outside and into the woods hoping to find a river. I ran and ran and ran. Suddenly I feel to the floor because of a stupid gold rock. My vision was unclear but I saw this figures that look liked human appearing around me. They all grabbed me and then everything turned white.

After a while I could barely see again. I was in a room painted gold entirely. Then out of no where something spoke. "You want to help Earth?"- it asked with a deep voice. I answered unsure-"Yes". Blue sigils that looked like tattoos appeared all over my body. A light spread from head to toes. My eyes gleamed a strange blue. "Now put on this suit to tame your abilities and be the first save Earth and then you can defeat the Sentients"-He ordered. Some metal planks putted themselves together like a puzzle in my body. Without saying anything else I was back on Earth with an armor of some sort. My handgun was different. Better looking as we'll. I felt so powerful yet I was so confused. What was I supposed to do?

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