Chapter 10, Snow

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::: Previously, so you won't have to re read the last nine chapters: Lyla and her younger sister, (Y/n) = (Your Name) lived a simple life alone, just outside a small town. One day, not too long ago, (Y/n) was stolen by the king of the Nether, Herobrine! Determined to save her sister, Lyla demanded she go with a stranger who goes by the name of Steve, to save (Y/n) and maybe even put an end to Herobrine's reign. Their trip so far has been far from easy. What was supposed to be a simple night in a town they were passing through -- doubling as a place to buy coats -- turned into the two barely being able to escape, closely chased by the the Trudgers. The Trudgers are known by only a few, due to their secrecy. Their specialty as a large force of assassins is to finish their targets with disasters designed to look natural. This attack team was hired by Raethe, a crazed woman, obsessed with finally achieving the amulet her ancestors before her so desperately wanted, which just so happened to be the one Lyla brought with her; the last gift from her parents... Wow, quite a bit, actually! :::


     Slowly, Lyla followed Steve through the forest as the two were both still waking up. Lyla was fever free, thankfully. She hummed a gentle tune as her mind wandered from place to place, not yet anxious about reaching her little sister in time.

     "Hurry up." Steve spoke sternly. "-h- I mean, if you can." He quickly corrected his tone and slowed his own pace a little. Lyla dug into her pockets and pulled out the amulet Steve hadn't let her trade for some reason. She wondered why. If she had just traded it, the Trudgers wouldn't even be after them in the first place.

     "Um, Steve, exactly why were you so against me trading this amulet?" At the mention of the item, Steve spun around and gestured his hands, signaling for Lyla to lower something.

     "Shh, put that back away. Who knows if they are hiding behind the trees, just waiting for you to pull it out?" He spoke sharply.

     "Hah, no person could ever move around so stealthily!"

     "Wanna bet?" Steve smirked, earning silence from his traveling companion.

     "Well, why didn't you let me just trade it for gold or something. Looks like we ended up in even more danger because of your silly decision." Lyla mumbled the last bit, huffing.

     "-O- it was not some silly decision! That thing is precious, mind you!" Steve stood up for his choice.

     "Exactly!~ Even a little of that treasure the lady offered would have been more than enough to send (Y/n) off to college!. One of the best even!.."

     "Okay, I get it! You don't see the value in it, I can see that.. just, no need to argue over it. There is nothing that can be done anyways. Even if we gave it to them, they would only kill us for being witnesses.. Let's just drop it and go." Steve sighed. Lyla lowered her head and looked at the little amulet thing. A Soul of The Sky, hu? Probably something similar to the Hearts of The Sea, maybe even more rare than them.

     With silence haunting her thoughts, Lyla dropped it, literally. The amulet fell down on the floor like a deserted pebble, holding no worth.. No worth to it's owner at least. Lyla stared down blankly at the stone as she thought things over in her head. She thought back to her parents whispering in the kitchen, and how they vanished the next day, never to return. A last gift, hu? They probably just forgot it even existed as they left. She also thought of her old friends, who had all moved away without mailing a single letter, asking how she was doing. She thought of her younger sister, so full of hope and life she so desperately wished to preserve. She even thought of her own self, deciding at a young age that she would become tough. That she would block all that out by not giving up on her sister, the only family she had left. She thought back to all those jobs, chores, work, she did, hoping she would be so tough, that no one could see through the exterior; the exterior only there to hide what she least wanted anyone to see...... 'I am nothing.. nothing but a.. useless, pebble...' Lyla thought in her head, looking back to the little impact she had made on anyone. The only one being her sister, (Y/n), who she would die for. She knew her younger sister would never truly understand, even if she did tell her, just how much she cared for her. She, was her life.. basically. Without her little sister, Lyla didn't know what she would do, where she would go, what her worth would be. She knew she could never really express to her sister how much she depended on (Y/n), just as (Y/n) had depended on her. It was just one of those things a tough girl can't tell. Besides, she didn't want to put that kind of stress on her, and make her worry or anything. Knowing (Y/n), she would most likely refuse a life in a new world, far away, if she knew how much her older sister depended on her. The relationship was, a strange one for sure. So, Lyla walked away from the pebble she left in the wet mud, dragging her feet as she went.

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