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minoru #2
lesbian jesus


minoru #2
Hey, there's something I need tell you.

lesbian jesus
Are you ok?
What's wrong?

minoru #2
I'm ok

lesbian jesus
Is it about your parent?

minoru #2
Well... kind of.
My parents want to have dinner with the both of us.
They want to get to know you as my girlfriend.

lesbian jesus
I mean I would like to my mom actually want me to invite you to dinner for the same reason.
I just didn't think...

minoru #2
Yeah I know what you mean
It hasn't even been a week and they already seem to be going back to how things used to be. But they are going to couples counseling, so I guess they really want to make it work.
But... anyways...
We should all do dinner.
Two birds with one stone and all that.

lesbian jesus
I'm all for it if you are

minoru #2
Of course!
I'll let my parents know.

lesbian jesus
Ok I'll tell mine
We can work out the details later

minoru #2
I gotta go I have my ap-cal test

lesbian jesus
Good luck. Love you!

minoru #2
Thanks. I love you too!❤️


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1,972 likes | 541 comments

k.dean dinner with the parents was a success
📷: the dads (yes it took two of them)

nicxminxru don't know how no one got into an argument
     amyminoru I'm so happy everything went well. Love you!❤️❤️ @nicxminxru @k.dean
     k.dean miss yooou🤧 @amyminoru

gert.yorkes y'all are too cute😭
     k.dean @gert.yorkes 🥰

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