Chapter 2 - Dragon Heir

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The arrival of Gajeel, Rogue, and Erik caused the party to explode in action. Nashi arrived back at the guild a few moments after Erik, the last of the trio, had landed. Gajeel was laughing and saying something about 'winning', Erik was avidly disagreeing and demanded a rematch without passengers and Rogue was giving them a disbelieving glare.

Nashi moved in a daze, the people who yelled happy birthday didn't phase her. She could hear her heart pounding in her head. She hardly noticed Storm telling her that he had to go find his siblings. She was just walking through the guild, trying to stay calm. This was it, all of the Dragon Kings and Queen were there... she was going to be initiated... it was going to happen. She honestly didn't know why she was so nervous but she was.

 Lance and his younger sister were standing beside their father but when the older boy saw her he grinned and ran up to the girl.

" Hey Nashi!... you okay?" he asked seeing the expression on her face.

"I..." Nashi began. She was too nervous. She tried to calm herself down but it wasn't going to happen. She didn't know what initiation was like... she didn't know if she could mess it up but it seemed like an inevitability.

"Hey," Lance assured her, "It's not that bad. Stop stressing yourself out."

Nashi took a shaky breath, "I can't... Lance, I'm not ready to be a drake."

"By Acno's roar, Nashi, chill! It's not like you're suddenly going to have to rule the world! Calm down, you're psyching yourself up," Lance laughed grabbing both of her shoulders.

"What if Dad makes me his heir!" Nashi cried her voice rising, she quickly quieted down again.

Storm sighed in exasperation, "Nashi, you'd be a great heir."

"I'm having a panic attack over my birthday, Lance. How can someone like me be a Queen?" Nashi demanded.

"All girls are queens," Lance smirked, small sparkles appearing around him.

Nashi scowled at him, "Please be serious."

"I speak only the truth," Lance denied, "And I mean it Nashi. Sure, you're stressed out now but if you ever got enough confidence there'd be nothing holding you back. You're seriously strong, and everyone listens to you!"

"Like who?" Nashi snapped back.

"Uh... everyone," Lance snickered, "I mean, look, even Kina would listen to your orders. Nova respects you, and I'd listen to you. The younger ones are just dumb but they'd listen to you too."

"I - " Nashi began.

Lance hugged her and rolled his eyes, "You. Will. Be. Fine."

Nashi sighed, "Maybe."


From across the guild, Storm was scowling as he looked to Lance and Nashi.

"Uh-oh, I know that face," Ame chuckled sliding to his side and hopping onto the counter that Storm was leaning on. She began to swing her legs as she smiled at her older brother.

"I'm still mad at you for earlier today," Storm growled.

Ame followed his gaze to where she saw Lance hugging Nashi, "ahhhh... Is big bro a little jelly?"

"What does that mean?" Storm scowled.

"It means, that you wish it was you with your arms around Nashi's body," Ame snickered.

Storm turned all nine shades of red before glaring at Ame. "What?" he demanded in a low tone.

"All I'm sayin', is that if you really want to make out with the future queen of the dragons, you've gotta up your act," Ame sighed looking at her shoes with a smirk on her face.

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