Chapter 4 - Deserving Heir

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Perhaps it was the weather but Lance Redfox had a bad feeling. The sky had been overcast all day but there hadn't been a drop of rain. 

"Wonder if Ame's upset," Nashi murmured looking up at the sky. She thought about the twin daughter of the Fullbuster's and figured that if the girl was upset, they'd know.

"I don't know," Lance answered truthfully.

The two of them were walking through town on their way to the park. They had planned to get some training in since it seemed that the weather was going to hold off on the rain.

"Watch, as soon as we get there, it's gonna pour," Nashi sighed.

Lance laughed, "That would be my luck... Scales, I hope not, I can't get rusty again. Mom almost killed me last time."

Nashi laughed as she recalled the memory.

"HEY! NASHI! LANCE!" a voice called. The two turned and saw Nova and Kakumi Dreyar running towards them.

"You heading to the park?" Nova asked.

"Yeah," Lance nodded.

"I'm taking Kakumi to train, you guys wanna join?" Nova asked putting an arm around her younger brother and pulling him in.

"Sure!" Nashi smiled.

Kakumi looked a little concerned.

"Don't worry buddy, we're not gonna destroy you," Lance assured the boy.

Kakumi laughed nervously but smiled, "I'll try very hard to not to get decimated."

"Now come on! Before the sky opens up and all hellish wetness pours down!" Nova laughed pushing between then and running for the park.

"Hold up!" Lance called running after her. Nashi chuckled and followed as did Kakumi.

The four arrived in the park and settled down in front of the large tree that had always stood in the park... except that one time that Natsu dug it up and sailed it down the river but that was ancient history now.

"Okay, I'm thinking we work on long-distance techniques!" Nova announced.

"I hate to be that person, but last time we tried that we brought a house down," Lance reminded her. Nova's expression went blank as she nervously recalled the incident.

"How about just some close combat, punches, talons, claw attacks, you know, start off simple," Nashi offered, stretching and warming up.

"I... I need to work on my talon attack," Kakumi offered quietly.

"Talon attack it is!" Nova announced putting her hands on her hips, "Nashi, you're good at that, right?"

"I'm... okay," Nashi grimaced.

"She's fine," Lance dismissed walking up. His skin turned into iron and he braced himself. Nashi faced him but looked to Kakumi.

"Alright, the most important thing is that you remain balanced," Nashi told the boy getting into the position, "If you lose your balance in the air, then the attack won't work. Just focus your magic energy into your foot and imagine that your a dragon coming down with your back leg, or... try and focus the energy down so that all of your force goes into your opponent and not into you. And... um... just... do it I guess," Nashi shrugged. She narrowed her eyes as she looked at Lance.

"Left shoulder, please," Lance asked, acting as the punching bag.

"I won't go too hard," Nashi assured him.

"Better not, I'll break your foot," Lance threatened lightly.

Kakumi watched intently as Nashi launched herself into the air. She came down with a fierce kick, cloaked in fire, right on Lance's left shoulder.

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