Chapter 14 - Master Riki

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When Nashi came to the first thing she noticed was how cold she was. That was strange, she was never cold, usually temperature never affected her but she was freezing. She sat up and found herself on stone with her hands cuffed behind her back...

Were those... magic prevention cuffs?

She'd never had them on her, she'd only ever seen them when someone was arrested and even then... she hadn't seen many people arrested, no one really dared to arrest Fairy Tail members (because it didn't end well).

Her head hurt a bit but after a while everything was clear. She was in a cell with thick metal bars and a cold stone floor.

"I was wondering when you'd wake up," a voice rang out.

Nashi nearly jumped out of her skin and whirled around as best she could with her arms chained behind her back to find someone in the cell next to her, separated only by thick metal bars. Nashi's eyes narrowed but in the dim light she made out an older boy with blonde hair and large black eyes.

"August?" she recognized, running over to the edge of her cell so she could better see the older boy.

"Hey Nashi, I was worried for a bit, you didn't look like you were going to wake up," August murmured with a warm smile. His hands too were chained behind his back but his posture was composed as he knelt on the ground.

"What are you doing here!?" Nashi hissed, looking around uncertainly.

"Same as you, I would suppose. I was taken against my will," August answered dryly.

"You were kidnapped?" Nashi gawked.

"That's a nice word for it," August nodded.

"How!?" Nashi asked incredulously.

"I was knocked over the head, shoved in anti-magic cuffs, stuffed into a sack and thrown threw a magic portal," August deadpanned.

"Oh..." Nashi pursed her lips and nodded.

"You?" August asked.

"Well," Nashi grimaced. "I kinda came here trying to look for a guy and then suddenly there were a whole lot of guys and... yeah I may have been a little stupid."

The pinkette let out a sigh and deflated a bit.

"Looking for a guy?" August probed.

"Yeah," Nashi nodded. "Kina, Shido, and Shiro found a clue to the bastards who sent our fathers into another dimension and - "

"What?" August interjected, sitting up straight at that news.

"Oh, you don't know!" Nashi cried. "Yeah! Everyone c'ept Aunt Wendy. Dad, Gajeel, Rogue, Sting, Erik, and Laxus, all gone. Sent through a rune cage into Zeref knows where."

"He probably doesn't," August murmured.

"What? Oh, right, no. Sorry. That was just a figure of - "

"Speech," August finished. "Yeah, I know."

They both took a long breath.

"So the dragon kings are gone?" August asked.

"Yeah," Nashi nodded.

"That would explain a lot," August sighed, leaning back on the bars to his back.

"So... where are we?" Nashi asked.

"Best I know, underground. This is some secret society, highly militarized, I've seen all sorts of magics too," August explained.

"Yeah... we're in a mountain. Who are these people?" Nashi asked.

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