Chapter 8 - Dragons Dream

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Lucy and Erza had both bolted to Wendy's cave as soon as they heard the roar. They threw the newly made door open and emerged to find Wendy in her human form being comforted by Porlyusica, Romeo, and a familiar wyrm; Amenista. Wendy sat on her large bed of blankets and pillows with Romeo beside her and Amenista sat curled around herself, watching the girl carefully.

"What happened!?" Erza demanded, sword drawn and eyes scanning the cave for immediate danger.

"I had... a... a dream," Wendy answered holding her head. Porlyusica seemed to be running diagnostics on the woman, feeling her forehead and checking her pulse.

"A dream?" Lucy asked walking over.

The woman looked distraught, her large brown eyes were wet and tearful and she was trembling. Romeo sat beside her, a reassuring arm around her shoulder.

"No, it was a vision," Amenista corrected, raising her head and looking to the blonde.

"I don't know what it was," Wendy murmured, biting her lips.

"Well, whatever it was, you're not allowed to do it again. You shouldn't be all riled up like this while you're carrying!" Porlyusica scolded. Her grey hair was held up in a ponytail but her face was as stern and heartless as ever, with a few more wrinkles lining it.

"What did you see?" Lucy asked kneeling down on the stone floor and looking up soothingly at the younger woman.

"I..." Wendy shook. Romeo rubbed her back assuringly and then looked to Lucy and Erza.

"She said she dreamt about floating. She was in some bright white soup, she was in her dragon force form but she couldn't sense anything," Romeo explained, sparing his mate the torture of explaining it again.

Lucy and Erza both nodded slowly.

"Then she heard Acnologia's voice," Romeo continued. Wendy closed her eyes as if reliving the moment. "He told her to be careful, that they had already taken the others so she had to be careful."

"What?" Lucy asked.

"Who is 'they'? What do you mean by 'the others'?" Erza pondered.

"My brothers," Wendy answered, her voice shaking. "I don't know how I know, but something terrible is going to happen. It's all a blur but I'd never felt so scared or angry. It's all a blur but it's a terrifying blur... something terrible is going to happen to my family."

"Natsu..." Lucy breathed.

"Where are they?" Wendy asked.

"They went on a job," Erza explained.

"All of them?" Wendy cried. "They all went to the same job!?"

"Yes," Lucy nodded, worry apparent in her eyes.

"Then there's no time to waste! We have to find them! We have to - " Wendy began standing up. She stood up too fast and seemed a bit unsteady on her feet.

"Whoa! Whoa! Wendy, calm down," Romeo soothed standing up and slowly having his wife sit back down. "You just woke up screaming and look absolutely exhausted. No offense to you sweetheart but you also look like you've swallowed a basketball! You can't charge straight at this problem right now."

"You should listen to your human, Wendy," Porlyusica scowled.

"But... but something happened to them..." Wendy murmured. "Amenista!"

The wyrm looked to the woman, "Yes?"

"Your vision... your vision saw my brothers vanishing in a flash of light, right?" Wendy asked, visibly trembling.

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