Chapter 3

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      Maggie sat at the Hufflepuff table, shoulders drooped and her head resting on the table. Fifth year was off to a great start. She had double potions with the Gryffindors, arithmancy right after, and her best friends started dating each other. Apparently Travis and Alexa had started seeing each other over summer break since Maggie couldn't leave her house. They had been all over each other during breakfast; Maggie wanted to throw up just watching it.

      "Why didn't you two at least write to tell me about it?" Maggie frowned.

     "I dunno, we were just so caught up in the moment we just didn't think about it." Alex giggled, placing a kiss on Travis' cheek.

      Maggie gagged internally, she had to get out of here, "I'm gonna go talk to Ivy. I think she has my jumper and I want it back."

      "Aww okay, see you at lunch!" Travis said to Maggie's already retreating back. She had no intention of joining them for lunch, instead she would most likely sit in the greenhouses and work on the pile of homework she was going to after the day she had planned out.

       Maggie huffed and sat down next to Ivy at the Slytherin table. The fourth year was staring off into the distance, completely oblivious to her fuming sister next to her. Maggie began ranting about her situation with her friends, but when she realized Ivy wasn't paying her the slightest bit of attention she stopped talking and waved her hand in front of Ivy's face. Unfortunately, that still didn't work.

     So she flicked her on the forehead.

     "Ow!" Ivy screeched. All eyes in the great hall turned to the commotion happening at the Slytherin table. Both girls smiled meekly at everyone and turned back to their food. "What the hell was that for?"

     "I was trying to talk to you but you were staring off into space," She stated matter of factly.

     "Sorry, I was just thinking about something," Ivy frowned.

      "About what?"

      "Well, I just think it's rather stupid that we've never talked to our sisters simply because they forgot about us and what not. Why is that a thing, you know? We could have just scheduled playdate's with their mom or we could teach them about our heritage. I mean, I barely remember them, but you have a twin, aren't you guys supposed to have some sort of special connection?"

     "I'm going to be honest, no. We don't know each other well enough to have a connection."

     "Exactly what I'm trying to get at. Who thought of this stupid plan? I've been thinking, we should try to get their memories back."

     Maggie's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, "What! Is that even possible? Do you know how much trouble we could get in? Joan would flip her lid!"

      Ivy sighed, "Is that all you ever think about? Is getting in trouble with Joan, who yells at us for ever, single, little, thing so scary to you that you won't even risk being with your sisters, who are your literal blood relatives, who were supposed to be close to, because you're too scared to get your hands a little dirty."

     Maggie teared up, she wanted this more than anything. She wanted her sisters to be with her through it all, she wanted them to be close, to depend on each other, and be a real family. But Joan would kill them. She would never let them leave the house again, cutting off all communication with the people they had just reunited with. She didn't want to lose them. If she never had them at all, it would save the heartbreak that is to come, right?

      "God why are you always like this? Stop overthinking and just do what you want." Ivy said not unkindly.

      Maggie sat there imagining what life could be like with their sisters. They could study together, go to Hogsmeade together, hang out by the lake together. There were so many things they could do together. She wanted it, more than anything. She felt a pang in her stomach whenever she saw either of her sisters, "No. We can't. I don't want any more trouble from Joan." 

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