The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most

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Rose was at Karen's cafe with Haley and Keith.......

They all were waiting for Karen so they could go to Lucas's first game.

"Karen! You ready to go?" Keith asks as they all stand waiting for her.

"Oh. I'm not going. I decided to stay open. I could use the business."Karen replies shrugging her shoulders.

"You talk to Luke about this?" Keith asks.

"No, but he'll understand," Karen says.

"Karen.." Keith starts but Rose cuts him off. "She doesn't want to go. She doesn't want to see her high school sweetheart slash your brother Dan slash the jerk who abandoned Lucas slash the father of Nathan, the team's star player. We should not force her if she does not want to go Let's go." Keith and Haley both look at Rose before stepping back.

"I think you're making a mistake," Keith says to Karen before the three of them leave the cafe and make their way to the game.


Haley, Rose, and Keith find a seat as they walk up the bleachers of the school's gym. "Keith!"Dan calls out."Hey. Finally came to see your nephew play, huh, big brother?"

"Yeah. I guess you can say that."Keith says. Dan move to Rose and Haley, "Rose you have grown up. The last time I saw was when you came to my house with your dad."

"Yeah. It's nice to see you again after so many years Mr. Scott."Rose said shyly. Even though Rose hated her dad every time some mentioned him she gets all sacred. Dan smiles and nods hello to Heley and walks away. Once he was gone Haley grabbed Rose's arm making sure she was ok.


"Hey," Rose said as she walked into her house. Lucas played terribly and scored no points and when he didn't get any better after half time Whitey benched him for the rest of the game. However, the Ravens won the game by 15 points.

"How did it go ?"Nikki asked

"Lucas played terribly and scored no points. Eventually, he got benched and Revan won by 15 points."

"How is Luke."

"I don't know. He left before I could get the chance to talk to him." Rose said to her mom.

"I see."

"Good Night mom," Rose said kissing her mom's cheek.

"Good night sweetie." Rose smiled at her before walking to her room. Rose get dressed and into PJ and went to sleep.


It was Monday and Rose was in English class which was kind of awkward for Rose considering she sits beside Lucas, who sits behind Lucas, while Rose sits in front of Nathan's girlfriend, Peyton, or also know as Lucas's crush since forever.

"You know, early in his career, Hemmingway was frustrated. He was a good writer who wanted to be great, and eventually, he discovered that less was more."Mr. Kelly says ." Payton. Describe Lucas in one word."

Peyton starts at Lucas and says. "Choke"

Everyone in the class laugh except Lucas and Rose. It was not funny, it was rude. Rose knew if Mr.Kelly asked her to say something about Peyton she would say something just as she did for Lucas.

"Okay, be quiet, please. Thank you. Lucas, care to reason and describe Miss. Sawyer?" Mr.Kelly asks.

"Lonely." Lucas says and Rose smiles as the class "ooh's"

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