A Different Person

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"I feel... different." You admitted to Ginny a couple of hours later, holding hands and swinging them with optimism that seemed to come out of nowhere.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I dunno," you said truthfully, "I guess I started to see the little things in life and not take them for granted. Probably because I nearly died, but still."

You laid eyes on Fred, and your smile grew wider across your face. You glanced at Ginny, who nodded for you to go. Fuck, you'd probably have to repay her, but whatever. Fred comes first.

You ran up to the ginger, wrapping your arms around him and causing him to stumble a little before he regained his balance, brushing off the surprise and hugging you back.

"So what's with us now?" Fred asked curiously.

"I dunno." You said yet again, planting a kiss on his cheek. "I have to sort something out. Something important. After that, I'll tell you."

You tried to wriggle out of his grip, but he wasn't having it. Clingy as ever, Fred's grip tightened, and he moaned into your ear as if a child, "Don't go, please."

You rolled your eyes, a small laugh escaping you. "Fred, I have to. It's really important."

"Can you tell me what it is?"


"No, now—"

"Fred, stop being a baby. You'll know soon enough." You gave him one last kiss and managed to slip out of his grip, waving as you skipped away to your very important thing.

Harry was coming back from practicing Quidditch, covered in sweat and mud. He had his broom in his hand and had just put it away into the broom closet when all of a sudden his eyes landed on you, a little shocked.

"Y/N," he said, trying to get the surprise out of his voice. "I, er, thought you were suspended."

"I sort of jumped out of the window." You shrugged nonchalantly, however Harry's eyes grew wide and his mouth fell open.

"You what?!?!" He exclaimed.

"It's no big deal, honestly. But I did realize something when I jumped through it, and I have to tell you. Right now. And if I don't, well — I have to tell you."

"You're stalling." He said flatly.

"Am not!"

Harry rolled his eyes. Merlin, you forgot he could be so sassy.

"Well, I have to tell you something too." He admitted, a faint blush growing on his cheeks.

Oh no you don't. We are not having the awkward moment where you say your thing which is the complete opposite of what I was going to say and then I agree and don't say anything resulting in my life getting all fucked up. Nuh uh. Not happening.

Instead, you said, "Ok, shoot."

You mentally kicked yourself.

Harry took a step closer to you. He could now clearly see the e/c of your eyes, something that could rival even the greenest grass/the bluest sea/the brownest bear (sorry my hazel gang, couldn't think of anything to fit lol, but just know my eyes are hazel-green-brown-blue too — lol the exact reason I just say hazel). He could see your pink/red/brown lips, curving into a smile that lighten up anyone's day. Your welcome smile gave him all the confidence and reassurance he needed to do something he's only dreamed about.

Harry kissed you.

Briefly, albeit, but a kiss is a kiss.

Now don't you wish you just listened to me?

Oh, shut the fuck up!

Harry was cute. You'll admit that. He was fully capable of finding a girl to love. Unfortunately, he thought this person was you.

"Harry... no... fuck..." you complained.

"I'm sorry," he said quickly, "I shouldn't have done that. It was stupid, a very stupid thing of me to do. I'm sorry."

You shook your head. "No, no, no. Don't be. I get it. But Harry... there are other people out there."

Harry groaned, stomping his foot in frustration. "What?" You asked.

"I'm such an idiot. Of course you don't like me. Of course."

"Harry, I love you. Just not like that. Don't put yourself down, you're pretty hot for a fourteen year old."

Harry blushed and smiled. "Thanks for being honest. And letting me kiss you."

"Anytime." You winked.

"You mean—?"

"Fuck, no. But aren't you lucky? Not very many people get to kiss their crush."

"And may I ask who yours is?"

"I think you already know."

Harry nodded. He did. It was obvious. He just hadn't wanted to see it. "You know what? Date Fred."

You blinked in amazement. "What?"

"Date Fred. He's good for you. But if he does one thing to hurt you, so help me—"

You laughed. "Thanks Harry."

He smiled. "Anytime."

. . .

A/n: I feel like this book is coming to a close, and truth be told, I've got mixed feelings about the whole thing. On one hand, it'd be my first finished book and I feel like it's reaching the right moment. But on the other... I love this book!!! I swear I'll do another Fred x Reader bc this one was so much fun! Fuck, I might cry... I really don't want this to end! Thank you for all your love and support, guys, ily! And no, THIS ISNT THE LAST CHAPTER. Lol I know it may sound like that but it isn't. Thank you all who kept reading this, y'all are amazing. I love you all! See you next chapter!!!

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