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Sorry the last chapter was so short lol. I was really tired. But I'm making this when I should be getting sleep for school but this helps me sleep a little. But I don't usually have time to write this. So ye. Anyways, let's get going!

Zee had woken up early like normal. He was a bit more tired then usual, but that was because the Farris Wheel broke and took 3 hours to fix. But he wasn't gonna let that get in his way. He decided it would be a good day. And he was happy. And had many reasons to be. For one, he had finally gotten with True, so that was nice. And two, he had talked Leon into working with him. So now, Zee had someone to do stuff with while the wishes were asleep, and he'd get more days off. It was a win-win situation in his eyes. So he got up and put on his uniform, and got the one for Leon ready. Then he went downstairs to get some food. Down in the kitchen, all the staff were hard at work. They were all the same people, but now they actually worked there and actually got paid. This happened after the merging of the two kingdoms. RK (Rainbow king, I don't wanna spell it out every time) was there too, just checking up on everything. He turned around and saw Zee so he went over to talk.
"Zee!" RK called from across the room while floating towards him
"Hey RK. What are you doing here?" Zee said once he got closer.
"Not much, just checking on things."
"Cool. I'm here to get some toast or something."
"Alright, carry on, I've got some other things to do."
"Ok, bye."
"Goodbye Zee."
Then RK left and Zee got his toast and went back to the tree. While the kitchen was nice and warm, it was a little too loud for his liking. Once he was back at the tree, he sat down and ate his toast. That's when Leon texted.
"Hey Zee, I'm at the castle, but I got no idea on where to go lol."
"It's fine. You gotta go on the rainbow on the outside of the castle and walk up or fly or something. But I'm outside on the top, so meet me there." Then he went outside and waved at Leon.
"Oh I see you now give me a sec."
Then Leon went up to the tree and talked to Zee.
"Hey Zee" he said.
"Hi. Follow me" he replied
So Leon followed Zee inside the tree.
"Here's the uniform, you can go in there and change." Zee said as he pointed at a room.
"But why do I have to?"
"Because we have to wear a uniform. If I'm gonna be honest, I hate this thing."
"Oh. Ok give me a sec."
Then Leon went in the room and changed. Zee showed him everything he would need to know about, and where the wishes were and how to take care of them. Since Leon didn't have any questions, they started introducing the wishes to Leon. They had met him before and actually liked him a lot, but Leon was terrified of them. But once he calmed down, he saw they were very sweet.
"Now everyone knows each other, and since you've already had some experience with the wishes, they said I could take a day off today. But if you need help, call me, ok?" Zee asked
"Alright, I will." Leon answered.
Zee got his normal clothes on, and all his money, and set off to the house across the street from True and Bartelby's. It was for sale, and he wanted to live there instead of at the castle. He had already talked it over with his bosses, and they didn't see any problem with that. They actually encouraged it. Now in this world once you buy a house there's no bills. The King believes that everyone should have a place to live that's warm and has water, so it's a great place. But LEM does NOT like that. But it can't and won't be changed until RK says so.
So Zee had been saving up all the money that he could so he could buy it so that he could have his own space, and be a lot closer to True. When he got there, True was out in her yard doing some work and stuff and saw Zee.
"Zee! What are you doing here?! I thought you had work!" True yelled from her house.
"Leon works there with me now, so I have more days off." He said, Walking towards her. "So I decided to use the time I have now to get that house over there."
"Wow, that's great! And we'll be closer together and be able to see each other more."
"I know. But I'm gonna go do that, so I'll see you later."
"Alright, bye!"
Then he went across the street to the other house and called the number on the sign and waited. After about 10 minutes, the house guy shows up and they talk for a while and walk around the house. After that Zee hands him all his money and asked if it will be enough to buy it. The house guy says yes and gives him the key to the house.

And that's where I'm leaving it, I hope you all have a wonderful day and stay warm. I've got to get to sleep, I've got to be up by 6 in the morning lol. Bye!

Final word count: 943

TruexZee (Tree lol) -I gave up rewriting sorry-Where stories live. Discover now