The Rise of the Outcasts

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The dress was too tight.

Despite the fact that Kayla’s mother looked beautiful with her stunning white wedding dress, perfect make-up and gorgeous blonde curls, all Kayla’s eyes were caught on was the tightness of the dress. Kayla was walking her mother down the aisle, their arms linked together creating the image of a perfect mother and daughter relationship.

There was only one problem. Kayla was close enough to her mother to notice that the dress was way too taut on her chest. She could see the sharp contours of her bra. To be sure, its prominent red colour was seeping through the lace and skimpy white fabric. At the top of the dress her cleavage had seemed to make friends with two red arcs that had been completely ignored by the bride. The gown was beautiful though; sequined, white and flowing with grace as it trailed behind her.

There was nothing Kayla could do.

 She felt her cheeks redden, matching her own rosy dress, as they got closer to the front of the church, where her soon-to-be stepdad and stepbrother were waiting. There was a happy look on the former, but not so much on the latter.  Kayla didn’t want to think about that. A new dad. A new brother. It was all too much to be thinking about while walking your mother down the aisle. She should think about something happier. Distract herself. It’s her mother’s wedding after all. She was only a few steps away from the groom now. His smile was so huge it looked like his face was going to be split in half.

And that’s when she tripped.

Kayla should have been careful. Her mother’s dress was long and flowy, and ofcourse Kayla being the clumsy person that she was just had to trip over it.

She felt her heel twist, her knee lurching forward as she lost her footing. She felt her mother gasp and reach out for her, but she was too late. Kayla felt her face hit the floor. Ouch.

Damien didn’t know whether to laugh or be pissed. Kayla was pathetic! She actually tripped while walking her mother down the aisle. Who the fuck does that?! And she was supposed to be his ‘sister’. There was no way he would be related to that low life, he had a reputation to maintain! Alex came up and slapped him on his arm.

“Go on, help her up you asshole! She’s supposed to be family!”

 “Fuck no. It’s not my fault she was born a moron. Besides, admit it, you find this funny too’’.

“Well too late now, her mom’s got her. You’re such a jerk! I better go back to my spot; people are giving me weird looks.”

Alex walked back towards Emmett, who wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close to him. Damien frowned, waiting for the jealousy to hit him. He was very possessive. The jealousy never came. Seeing his best friends pressed up against each other, one of them being his girlfriend, is not supposed to be good, right? Shouldn’t he be angry? Annoyed? He shrugged it off. His dad’s wedding was not the best place to think about such problems.

Everybody was getting back in place. The priest started droning on and on about some bullshit, something about the beauty of matrimony and stuff. Damien had been to enough weddings to know that this was the most boring part, even worse; there wasn’t anyone he could to talk to. All of his friends were on their assigned places. Not to mention that he was really busting.

Damien observed his father, who looked really happy for the first time since that hoe left them. He was just staring at his bride, and you could see all the love he held for her. Damien was happy for his dad, really, but it did not mean he would put up with the extra baggage that came with his step –mom, i.e. his new step-sister.

 “And you may now kiss the bride,” The priest finally said, and he took a step back.

Mr Hart grabbed his new bride, picked her up, and almost sucked her face off.

 About damn time! I gotta go...

The whole places filled with “Aw that’s so cute!” and “how sweet!” Damien even heard a kid shout “Gross!”

Everyone starting clapping and the couple just beamed. Damien picked at his black bow tie and made his way over to the men’s room. He passed Kayla as she hugged some chick that he assumed was her best friend. Holy Shit. She was hot. True, he was in a relationship, but he wasn’t blind. And a girl like that was sure to turn heads.  Don’t think like that. You have a girlfriend that you love! He scolded himself. But then he thought about it, like really thought about it. Lately he realised that his feelings for Alex were something that closely resembled brotherly affection. He’d been thinking about his and Alex’s relationship a lot. Something was definitely not quite right about it.

Emmett moaned. The cupcake. Was. Awesome. He stared admiringly at the periwinkle blue icing, his eyes glowing in newly discovered desire. He reached out for it, fingers splayed, stretching for the chance to touch the treasure that would undoubtedly bring ecstasy.

And then it was gone.

An evil cackling filled the air as Emmett turned his mournful gaze at the treacherous evil that took away his beloved. He saw red. He poised charmingly before savagely lungeing at the fiend who dared steal his love and joy.

“Get off me, you bastard!” Barked Alex, shielding  Emmett’s prized possession. She pushed him away and then punched him  for good measure. 

“But that was mine,” He whined, pouting and giving her the puppy dog eyes.

“Well too bad,” She said, licking it slowly and wiggling her eyebrows. Emmett bursted into laughter.

“Just stop, sexy doesn’t suit you.”

“Oh and I suppose you know all about sexy?”

Emmett groaned, ignoring her come back. That cupcake. He glared as Alex continued to slowly molest it. Emmett’s interest diminished as the cupcake disappeared into Alex’s mouth.

He wandered over to a seat and plopped himself down, pulling out his phone to play angry birds. After a while he got frustrated because he just absolutely sucked at the game. Stupid pigs.

 Dying with boredom, he shoved his phone back into his pocket and scanned the room with his cerulean blue eyes. There was a horde of girls just staring at him and giggling. Emmett blushed and looked looked down, wondering if his fly was undone or something. The girls kept giggling. What the heck? He was pretty sure there wasn’t anything on his face, and he knew he was wearing his clothes the right way because Alex had checked. She would have told him. But then again she was a cheeky bitch and would have probably let him go out on his own looking like an idiot just for a laugh. Finally he had enough.

He wondered over back to Alex.

“What did you do to me?” he demanded. She laughed.

“Don’t tell me you’re still mad about that cupcake.”

“No! Did you sabotage my outfit? Did you stick something on me? I know you did something!”

She raised an eyebrow. “What makes you think that?”

“Those chicks keep staring and laughing at me! I didn’t do anthing, I swear!”

He pointed to the girls who just giggled even more hysterically.

She gave him a dry look. “You really are an idiot.”

“Hey! I’m serious! What the heck is going on?” Emmett was genuinly confused now. Girls. They were all weird.

She smiled at him, but it wasn’t a normal smile. It was evil. “Oh, nothing. Theyre probably just confused, ignore them.” And with that she walked off, while Emmett just stood there, still trying to figure out what just happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2012 ⏰

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