Okay guys! Hear me out. OMAKE#2

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First i would like to apologize for the long ass wait here.  I have no excuse besides semester finals and tying up loose ends in night school.
Edit: the school placed me in a program and it had made me constantly busy. When I get home I'm exhausted because nobody likes to take constant quizzes and study for another quiz.

I hope you enjoyed your holidays and Happy new year!

Before i could on with this chapter thingy. Yes, i do have the new chapter up and ready for it to be published. This also includes my other story 'Homesick'

I am so grateful for the encouraging comments, I'm pretty guilty for pushing the wait for so long. I'm truly a despicable person.

I apologize for my shitty incapability to organize and fix myself a proper schedule that i should be able to follow.

I'm currently working on a miniature project. For you guys i have did a load of research about ninjas and their way of living to have a better insight into my work and this fandom.

As an apologetic gesture i included a short but hopefully entertaining mini story which i will say thats its not part of the plot.


Long ago in the village hidden in the leaves, were two boys. They were friends. Best Friends. Inseparable by parents or teachers or even by a specific cousin (whom forced said boys to interact with each other)  - or so it seemed.

The two trained together along with a satisfied cousin. One would have thought they were related if it weren't for their faces: one boy had a look of indifference while the other looked a bit done with life. The later was known to be a trickster among his caretakers whom he constantly pranked and escaped from. The second was well known prodigy among his clan, whom had a strong love for sweets and currently was forming a weird sort of brother complex (in the trickster's opinion). They appeared to have nothing in common, one was a prankster, while the other was a genius. They seemed like polar opposites. Better suited to be enemies. However underneath all that, if people were to look closer they would have known that the prankster was a genius by all means. It just happens that he wanted to keep all the prodigy business under wraps.

However back to business, their friendship was unusual from their goals to food likes. Yet they remained friends despite the odds.

Who were the friends you asked? The genius was none other than Uchiha Itachi and the prankster was (L/n) (M/n), both heirs to their specific clans.

They were extremely close, joining ANBU and working together in a team when they didn't have that choice as genins.

Unfortunately everything had changed.

The night the prankster have returned from a month long solo mission was the night their friendship crashed. His stiff masked silhouette watched as his former friend disappear into the horizon. (E/c) eyes narrowing before vanishing into the darkness and reporting to Hokage-sama who informed him of Shisui's death by suicide and the Uchiha Clan massacre.

With the permission to leave he flickered back to his apartment, which laid mostly bare with stacked boxes in the corner faintly wondering if he should move back to the clan compound before reconsidering the fact that the council would be on his case constantly if he did.

Releasing a sigh he headed to the kitchen and searched all over his kitchen for a scrap of food before he paused.

'Oh right, I was in a month long mission. I guess instant ramen it is.'

Pulling out the last and only food he had, he pulled out a kettle and set water to boil for the noodles. With a huff walked to his room and pulled out a pair of clothing just as the kettle let out a whistle . With long strides he pulled the kettle off the stove and poured some water into the cup and closed it to let it cook.

After it was done he headed to bathroom for a quick shower to rid himself from grime and other unwanted filth.

After finishing his shower he pulled on a pair of fresh undergarments and pulled on some shorts and a tank top before going back to the kitchen and started eating his ramen, drinking a cup of water before going to bed and falling onto it, only falling asleep after two hours of tossing and turning.


Honestly it hasn't been a day and the Hokage decided that it was best to send him on another mission. But at least it can explain why there was a knife held in front his face in a threatening manner.

'How in the world did i get in this position again? I expected this outside the village walls?'

The person behind the knife was getting annoyed by the lack of reaction from (M/n). The said jounin (gotta keep up with public appearances) was slowly loosing his patience, but was fully aware of what would happen if he injured a drunk civilian.

'Isn't it too early for alcoholic beverages?'

He couldn't help but twitch when he could sense the presence of a shinobi audience watching the scene not wanting to interfere with the sudden show.

'I guess they enjoy watching me suffer at the hand of someone like him'

Without missing a beat, he gave the drunken old bastard the fakest closed eyed smile which unknowingly made the audience cringe at the sight.

(Image not mine it was just added for shits and giggles

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(Image not mine it was just added for shits and giggles.)

"Excuse me sir, can you please release the weapon."

The drunken man responded by moving the knife closer. That happened to be the last straw. I mean you can't blame him, after a month long  mission he arrives to the death of people he cared for (mainly Mikoto and Shisui), the death of his close friends and the betrayal of his best friend.

"I'm trying my best to be polite, but if you move that fucking knife a centimeter closer to me I will not hesitate to tear you apart, but since your a civilian i would not hesitate to make your life a living hell by stripping your life piece by piece. "

(M/n) immediately grabbed the man's hand which held the weapon, by his wrist and with a flick he broked it before flipping the over his shoulder. Without a single glance to the now groaning man behind him, he wiped his hands and proceeded to walk away without giving a damn of the consequences that will follow.

Consequences be damned.

After a few minutes of wondering the village a familiar figure landed beside him, he didn't need to look to know who it was, already having felt the chakra approach him from a certain distance.

"Kakashi, it's been awhile."

The older male huffed, and greeted the younger male. The conversation still continued for a couple of hours before separating.(M/n) let loose of the tense shoulders before vowing to quit ANBU after a year and join the normal ranks. Maybe he could pester Kakashi into dong the same, god did he need to stop his reckless actions.

'And they called me dangerous.'
* - * - *
I think I should rewrite this story?
And restart from the start?
What do you guys think?

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