Chapter 16

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Days have passed  and (M/n) spent them working around his (secret) apartment and healing the few injuries he received from the attack (also avoiding the elders before they can any new ideas for the next kage) when Jiraiya decided to burst in his apartment causing the door to fly from its hinges and crash onto the wall creating a large dent.

(M/n) sighed and glanced at the sheepish old man. He chose to ignore the damage, perhaps it was time for him to move, he was getting a bit tired of fixing the damages of an old structure,

"What do you want Jiraiya-san..?" (M/n) winced at his voice, not having used it these past few days after the attack. Jiraiya looked up from his attempt to fix the door and grinned. "I was wondering if you would like to accompany Naruto and I to look for our new Kage?"

(M/n) thought it over, for one he could be kidnapped again but on the other hand he was getting tired of being constantly watched by the ANBU, who quite frankly don't know how to hide their presence (in his opinion). He agreed nonetheless wanting to spend time with Naruto.

(I just realized that I never wrote in first person so i'll give it a go???)

(M/n's Pov)

I turned on my heels and headed straight to my room and began throwing clothes in a duffle bag.  When i was satisfied with the amount clothes, i headed to chest and threw in some ration bars, weapon polisher and extra weapons along with a scroll with camping supplies  before zipping up the pack.

Throwing the pack over my shoulders i began to wonder as if i forgot something before a thought gain my attention.

'Would I really be willing to waste energy carrying this or could i go with bare hands. Oh wait my hygiene products.'

Pondering over the weight on my shoulders i decided to just throw the backpack into a storage seal tattooed onto my wrist before grabbing the other things and doing the same thing.

Without a second thought i exited my room, I found the sage missing and i shrugged only grimacing at my poorly fixed door and decided to just jump out the windows instead not really worried about someone breaking in when I really don't leave important things at the apartment.

Besides doors are overrated.

Landing on nearby roof I jogged towards the village gate and spotted Naruto who seemed to be struggling an enormous backpack. Sweatdropping at the scene i decided to not comment at it even if I was curious to what was in it.

'Must be mostly Ramen.'

"(M/n)-nii!! Your coming too?!" Naruto shouted as he ran to hug me and I couldn't help but wheeze at the force he used to do so. I nodded and fondly ruffled his hair.

"Pervy-sage said he'd teach me some new jutsus!" 

"Oh really?" i rose my eyebrow in mild curiosity as i recalled being informed by an ANBU that Naruto learned the summoning jutsu from Jiraiya.

"Yup!" Naruto gave him a toothy grin.


Finally seeing arriving at a village, we began to scout the area looking for a busty woman only to end up with me groaning in frustration when i spotted JIraiya distracted by an attractive woman.  

I gave him a pointed look as he handed us some money to do whatever we pleased to do in the room as he shooed us away. Pursing my lips I gave a small smile to Naruto before we headed to our designated room.

'He's treating me like a child. I'm not really pleased with that. i wonder if i could prank him for that.....wait-'

Stepping into the room he paused when he felt a familiar chakra presence before it vanished as soon as it appeared. Frowning he hoped the owner of the chakra wouldn't be problematic. he plopped onto a nearby bed and stared at the ceiling, feeling the bed dip besides you caused bby Naruto's weight. Naruto looked hesitant and seemed like he wanted to ask something but was interrupted by a knock on the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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