Chapter 33: Alaska

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"What have we gotten ourselves into?" I ask Starla as we ready the weapons. Mirage is planning to strike the coast of Asia, and we will be the only ones standing in their way. Shadow X is trying to eliminate the king and his followers for good, so today is the end of this war, whether we win it or not. All the small battles we've been fighting, they all end today.

Once everyone was ready, I gather them in the center. "Please be careful out there, I can't lose any of you." I turn to Starla

Alaska: especially you, Starla. I love you. She smiles a small smile, and I turn back to the group. "You ready?" I ask as I lead them into battle.

The blood of mer-creatures does not go into the water like other creatures blood does. It rises to the surface and creates a barrier from the sun. Within minutes of materialising to the battle I couldn't see anything without the help of my water vision. It was pitch black. Thankfully, nobody from Shadow has died. The blood is because the monsters attacked mirage. Joya lost control of the monsters and they turned on Mirage. The blood was the blood of the monsters the Mirage had to kill, and the blood of the people the monsters killed. Knives were flying left and right, Scarlet also broke her arm, but nothing major. I was fighting in the dark bloodstained water in the left part of the battle, Harper and Chloe in the middle and Scarlet on the right.

Harper has amazing aim. Every single knife she threw hit a mirage fatally. My weapon is a gun because I cannot handle close up combat. I am a healer, not a fighter. And yet I have killed as many as the fighters have. Some shadow X fight alongside us, it helps us to keep alive. But many of them have died as well. So many friends have died in this war, and yet we continue fighting and we continue to kill and we continue to die.

I look over to Scarlet, oh that poor child. She is a kid and she uses her power to take away people's lives. Permanently. Now the only illumination on the battlefield is that of the souls of people, trying so hard to escape to the eternal peace above but the blood keeps them in. So the souls of the fallen light up the battle like tiny stars, although I always have believed that your soul becomes a star while your body rests.

Then there's chloe. She is different to Scarlet. She wears every life that she has taken and she lets it eat her up inside. Although I would be worried if she didn't. I fear those who take life as easy as those like Scarlet and Harper; who do not feel anything as they kill people I used to go to school with. But I also envy them, oh how nice it would be not to feel for even a second, or at least while I kill. That is why I can't do hand to hand combat. I cannot look the people I once knew in the eye and watch as their life fades. Chloe dies a little inside everytime she kills someone. And today is the most she has killed. The poison runs from her hands into anyone she touches, and kills them almost immediately. And her aim with knives is good as well, though she does not need them. She can kill with looking at people her powers are so strong now.

Starla will not kill. She will not even kill to protect, so she works in the medic tent. Part of me longs to be there with her, to keep away from the people dying in front of me but I can't. I cannot in good conscience leave these children to kill. Leave these children who barely know algebra to fight for earth. So I stay and I kill alongside them. Because my aim is as good as Harper's.

Alaska: Shit! Harper look out! She didn't even see the knife before it hit her. It was a poison knife, and it hit her somewhere that couldn't be healed. Harper Goolie was killed on the 28th of September 2050. Cause of death: poison knife to the head.

Chloe screamed and held her best friend in her arms as her blood made the wall above us all thicker. Scarlet encased them in thick vines so we could get over there The four of us in the corners of the battle rushed in to cover her as she mourns her friend. We continued the battle well into the night, and eventually they surrendered, except for Joya. Joya escaped into the monster realm, before she could be arrested, and closed it for good. The battle was finished. And the land people will never know what we did for them. 

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