Parent Teacher Noob

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"This could be the greatest battle we have ever faced." Shope glared.

They were all in front of Kevin's house in a fighting stance

"Dudes, it's a letter from the school saying parent teacher conferences are this week." Kevin showed the papers which Tyler takes it.

"And none of us have been the greatest students lately. In fact, we're terrible!" Tyler said. "Like the time Shope failed 'cause she was locked in metal hand mode?"


The students were all taking a test and Shope is having a "hard time" to write because of her metal hand which break the table.

*Flashback ended*

"My cold last week caused me to miss," Tyler said. "Oh just five science classes?"


Tyler was sitting down, listening to teacher and he sneezes which he accidentally teleported to the north pole and a polar bear growls at him.

*Flashback ended*

"Or (Y/N)'s pranks to the other students, fights the jocks and sleeping in the middle of the class?" Tyler pointed at (Y/N) who blushed in embarrassment.


(Y/N) was sleeping on the middle of the class and the teacher finally founds out. The teacher hits her table which startled the poor girl. She woke up from her nap and looked at the teacher smiling innocently.

"Sleep again and DETENTION!" The teacher said which made (Y/N) nod and the teacher went back to the board. (Y/N) sighed and lay back to her seat, listening to the teacher.

'Why did Kira wanted me to train at 1 freaking A.M.?' (Y/N) thought


Diana was talking to her friends and when she opened her lockers, it sprayed paint to her face. She looked at the mirror in disgust and screamed.

"(YYYYYYYYY//////////NNNNNNN)!!!!!" Diana screamed then she whined and cried about her 'beautiful' face is gone.

(Y/N) watched in the shadows and laughed quietly. That's payback for filling her locker with cheese. Bitch.


(Y/N) was walking normally with Levi, they were just talking until...

"Hey (Y/N)! You think you could prank Diana like that, huh?!?!" A boy said walking to (Y/N) which grew everyone's attention.

"Who the heck are you?" Levi looked at the boy and moving in front of (Y/N), clearly trying to protect her.

"And why would you think it was me?" (Y/N) stared blankly at how short he is. He looks like he's still on Kindergarten.

"I'm Bennet, her boyfriend and i-"

He stopped talking when he heard a small giggle from (Y/N).

"WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!?!" Bennet screamed.

"Don't you think it's too young to date?" (Y/N) chuckled.

"And you're the boyfriend that Diana keeps talking about?" Levi blankly stare at him. "For someone's boyfriend, you're kinda small"

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