Chapter 5 Fight of the Iron Spider

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It was night time in New York. It was a beautiful place, some might say it's loud, and some call it home. it was peaceful, unless you were- (Deadpool: fighting for your life). true that.

"welcome New York! thanks to the tireless efforts of Daily Bugle communications led your truly, James Jonah Jameson. Certain bug eyed, wall crawling  menace will now think before he think of showing face and partner in my city again!" J. Jonah yelled load enough for the whole city to hear.

Spider man and I, who was my Venom suit, I wear my other suit under it just in case. where swing and flying around the city avoiding a large green plasma blasts from a flying glow stick. I know, very heroic right? (Deadpool: yes) I was joking (Deadpool: oh okay)

Spider man landed on the build board and I flew next to him, while J. Jonah was giving his hate speech that no one cares for. We were flying and running a cross it and the lasers blows holes into the build board.

i'm not paying for it, (Deadpool: same) I just hope I won't get grounded for this. Spider man swing off and I continue to fly


Spider man: i'm Peter parker and i'm Spider man

Me: and i'm Cookie Z also known as Mystic pink

Spider man: which means we get chased by around New York all day by guys like this 


we swung and fly around the city, and run on some buildings.

"you can't out run pure light!" Living laser said shouted. He kept shooting an missing. Suddenly he landed two hits on Spider man's right leg and shoulder and chest. I used a plasma blast to deflect his own.

'hey V remind me to thank Tony later for teaching me this skill' I told Venom. He nodded. Me and Venom bonded over time. (Deadpool: did he try and kill Spider man?) kinda, he kinda tried to take over from time to time but got over it,

"just a matter of time until your toasted!" Living laser said, I saw Spider man's mind that mini him popped out of a toaster with toast on his chest.

"hey come on!" Spider man said as we landed on a building with a 'blank' sign, "these costumes don't sew themselves you know?"

true, it takes hours to sew them, even with my magic it still takes forever. I hate sewing more then anything. (Deadpool: I can agree with that. I hate sewing my suit every time I get shot)

Mr. living laser jumped into a street light, he used this to travel through the building and popped out of the 'B' in the 'bank' sign. It scared me a bit, he punch right in between our heads. Living laser's energy made the building exploded that made me and Spider man fall of the side off the building.

'here we go again guys.' I heard Power man's voice, 'Spidey and Pink are in trouble'

he and the team came running.

'I got him/her!' Power man and Beast thought/said as they catch us. Beast got me and Power man got Spidey.

'sup? need some help?' Power man thought/asked with a smirk on his face.

'I guess, thanks' I thought/said as Beast put me down on my feet, I started flying. (Deadpool: why didn't you do that before?) I was in shock...hehe shock.

White tiger jumped in front of us, 'maybe we can take this one down without destroying the city?'

'come on, that's one of the best parts!' Elemental thought/said as he grabbed his gun.

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