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-3rd POV
-Time skip to when he's fully recovered cause I'm lazy-

Tamaki got up getting ready for school, he brushed his teeth put on his uniform and was ready to head back to school. He opened his door and locked it from behind him as he was off walking "Amajiki! Over here!" Hado called out waving along with Mirio who was smiling as ever, Tamaki walked over to them walking in with them inside the school "How you feeling Amajiki?.." Hado asked as they walked "I guess better than before..." Tamaki said "Well that's good!" Mirio smiled. Tamaki looked down as he noticed everyone staring at him, Hado and Mirio noticed he was uncomfortable "Well I'll see you guys at lunch!" Hado running off to her class, Mirio looked over at Tamaki and looked around noticing everyone was looking at him, Mirio put his arm around Tamakis shoulder as they walked, Tamaki turned red as he noticed this sudden action "Don't mind them we're glad your back!" Mirio smiled as he ruffled Tamaki's hair "i-I guess..." Tamaki said with a blush "Well see you after Class!" Mirio yelled running off, Tamaki walked into Toyomitsu's office "Tamaki Senpai!" Kirishima yelled running over and hugging Tamaki "Alright Kirishima...save your excitement for the festival today..." Tamaki smiled "Alright, since Tamaki is back we'll just help set up the stage for the festival today!" Toyomitsu said as he walked out the door, Kirishima followed behind along with Tamaki.

"Alright Tamaki Senpai! Help me carry part of the stage!" Kirishima Yelled as he picked up one side of the stage "Oh! Right..." Tamaki walked over and picked up the other side of the stage, they walked it over to the location where it was needed, Tamaki and Kirishima didn't stop until the stage was fully built they spent a few hours on it but finally finished. "Nice work Tamaki Senpai!" Kirishima said "I'm probably going to go wash up at my dorm..." Tamaki explained "Same here, got to get ready for the dance! See you there Tamaki Senpai!" Kirishima yelled as he ran off
"See you..." Tamaki said walking back to his dorm.
Tamaki opened the door to his dorm locking it behind him, He walked over to his wardrobe and took a black T-shirt out and a pair of jeans setting it on his bed neatly, He walked over to his bathroom placing a towel on the counter. As Tamaki sat in the shower for a few minutes he soon got out wrapping the towel loosely around his waist, walking out of the bathroom and not paying attention he bumped into something and fell backwards onto the floor his towel slipping a little,
as Tamaki looked up after rubbing his head his face turned a dark shade of red.

-Mirio's POV-
It was around 5 in the afternoon and I went to go check on Tamaki before we would head to the school festival together, as I walked through the hallway I stood at Tamaki's dorm and knocked on the door,
He didn't answer so I knocked knocked again, still no answer, I grew worried and so using a key Hado gave me I unlocked the door and walked inside looking around for Tamaki.
No sign of him until I felt something bump into me,
I turned around only to see Tamaki on the floor with only a Towel covering him up, I felt my face grow warm as I stared at him and couldn't seem to look away, For someone at a young age.... who doesn't leave his dorm often....he was pretty well built...I thought to myself as I just stared at Tamaki blankly.

~Awkward Silence~

I began to feel that Tamaki was uncomfortable and turned around with a blush, "s-Sorry! I just came to check on you and you didn't answer the door so I got worried and just invited myself in!" Mirio explained as he blushed really hard, Tamaki quickly got dressed as he put a black jacket on "I'll get going see you at the festival!" I Said as I left quickly, I never once thought Tamaki would be one for being well built...I said in my mind as these thoughts couldn't get off my mind,
I blushed just thinking about seeing my best friend half naked in his dorm. "Hey Mirio!" Hado said smiling "You okay? your cheeks are really red..." she asked "YEAH! Yeah, I'm fine!" I responded as I progressively get more red by the minute "See you at the festival Hado!" I yelled running off.

-3rd POV-
Tamaki sat on his bed, his cheeks were glowing a bright red and he covered his face with his hands
"I can't believe my best friend just walked in on me and has seen me half naked..." Tamaki said to himself with a sigh, Tamaki got up looking at the time, it was 6
"I'm going to be late!" He yelled running out the door locking it behind him. He ran to the school hurriedly, approaching the building closer he saw Mirio, Aizawa, and Eri standing by the gate, Tamaki ran over to them "s-Sorry I'm late.." he apologized with a bow before looking up "Your fine Tamaki, We were just about to head in anyways!" Mirio smiled looking over at Eri who was hiding behind Aizawa clutching at the teachers pant leg "Right!" Mirio said kneeling down to Eri "Eri-Chan this is Tamaki!" Mirio smiled introducing him"t-Ta-Tamaki..." she said "Yup!" Mirio smiled, Mirio then stood up "Let's head into the festival!" Mirio cheered as him and Aizawa walked into the festival, Tamaki followed behind as they walked. Later on both Eri and Tamaki noticed a Crepe stand and both walked over to it in unison, Aizawa and Mirio looked over at them confused "Crepe!" Eri cheered pointing at the delicious dessert "d-Do you want one?.." Tamaki asked looking over at her, she nodded as her eyes grew with excitement "One crepe please..." Tamaki quietly said grabbing the crepe and handing it to Eri "Looks like she'll be up all night tonight..."Aizawa groaned as he looked over at Tamaki "s-Sorry..." Tamaki sheepishly said looking over at Eri who was happily eating her crepe "Hey Amajiki! Up for a round?" Mirio yelled pointing at a Festival game
"Sure.." Tamaki agreed as Eri followed behind him along with Aizawa "Would you like to go first?..." Mirio asked "No, you can go..." Tamaki responded "Alright!" Mirio said and began to start shooting the targets on the game, he got most of them but missed a few "Here's your prize sir!" The lady working at the stand said handing him a small unicorn plush, Mirio took it gratefully handing the unicorn to Eri who smiled with joy "Your turn!" Mirio cheered, Tamaki picked up the gun aiming at the targets making sure he was right on point which helped Tamaki to get more targets than Mirio "Wow! Your good at this." Mirio smiled at Tamaki "i-I guess.." Tamaki said blushing "Here's your prize sir!" The lady handed Tamaki a giant teddy bear,
Tamaki handed the teddy bear over to Mirio "You can have I-it..." Tamaki stuttered looking away as Mirio took it "Thanks!" He smiled a tiny bit of pink brushed his cheeks "Looks like the shows about to start..." Aizawa said turning and walking Eri over to the stage Mirio followed behind while Tamaki walked over to the stage next to Mirio who had Eri on his shoulders to get a better view. Class 1-A's dance started and Eri cheered and laughed on Mirio's shoulders humming to the music, eventually the dance ended and Aizawa had to take Eri home "Bye Mirio!" She said hugging him "Bye Tamaki!" She yelled with a wave, Tamaki waved back with a small smile "Hey guys!" Hado yelled smiling "Heading back to the dorms?" She asked "Yup!" Mirio smiled, the group all started walking and
shortly were at the dorms and all went our separate ways. Tamaki opened the door to his dorm and locked it behind him he tossed himself on his bed immediately rolling over.

-Mirio's POV-
The minute I got to my dorm I sat the giant teddy bear Tamaki got me next to my bed, then remembered all about what had happened back at his dorm awhile ago,  my face grew hot thinking about it but shook my head and laid on back on my bed.

"Do I like Tamaki?..."

Word Count: 1430

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