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(Before I continue with this chapter I would like to say this may be confusing but let's just say after Mirio saved Eri he still had his quirk bare with me on this one and sorry for the confusion Thanks!)

Tamaki stood next to Mirio as he looked towards the base praying in his mind this wouldn't go badly
"Ready everyone?" Asked Fat Gum "Yes sir!" Yelled the big three, The pro hero's moved in as well as some of class 1-A.
As the big three entered they noticed it was dark and soon split up, Tamaki walked around like a deer in the headlights until He soon heard a girl giggling Tamaki stood still looking around trying to see but it was too dark, soon he felt an ache in his arm and noticed he had a knife mark "What?.." Tamaki wondered "Well..well..well...Your kind of cute.." a girl's voice called out, Tamaki was getting irritated over this soon and soon couple of lights turned on
"Right behind you!" Yelled the girls voice close before Tamaki could turn around he dodged the girls knife as she fell on the ground getting up "Aww..." she groaned as she looked up "My names Himiko...what's yours?" She smiled sinisterly as she held her knife

The girl had a big mask around her neck but it was covered in blood she had medical looking equipment "A quite one aren't ya?

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The girl had a big mask around her neck but it was covered in blood she had medical looking equipment
"A quite one aren't ya?..." she asked smiling she through a knife as Tamaki grabbed it but it not knowing it was connected to Himiko as the girl grinned she ran towards Tamaki...before he could react he wasn't thinking...all he could think of was Mirio...Was Tamaki depressed?....the knife stabbed into his leg as he felt drowsy "i-I can't give up..." said Tamaki grabbing the knife and pulling it out of his leg, Tamaki used tentacles from eating octopus bites and used it to his advantage as he grabbed Himiko tossing her against the wall "Give up!" Tamaki yelled
The Girl just giggled sinisterly and soon she threw one of the needles which Tamaki avoided and hit the wall "Tamaki look its me Mirio!" A figure that looked like Mirio said but soon the figure started melting into the shape of Himiko "Wrong!" She smiled as she stabbed Tamaki in the chest with her needle sucking the blood out of him Tamaki fell to his knees
"Get up!" He yelled in his head Tamaki grabbed the needle ripping it out of his body, He got up using the armor of a crawfish to use as defense "Seems your smart!...I like that!"Himiko smiled as she ran at Tamaki but Tamaki grabbed her and flipped her on her back He soon pinned her to the wall after a long fight but Himiko didn't look scared or worried
"Behind you!" She smiled Tamaki backed up as flames hit the wall he turned around
"Your late!" Himiko yelled as she sat on the floor
"My bad.." the figure said, he had burn marks all over his body and his hair as dark as coal
"Names Dabi...prepare to burned to a crisp.." he said as flames grew around Tamaki and Dabi making a circle "Nowhere to run now" Dabi said as Tamaki grew bird feet and wings and flew up kicking Dabi

Dabi hit the wall and fell to the floor "Your a strong one" he said getting up and running at Tamaki, before Tamaki could react he was hit with a burst of flames to his chest which burnt through his vest Tamaki coughed as blood ran down his mouth ...

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Dabi hit the wall and fell to the floor
"Your a strong one" he said getting up and running at Tamaki, before Tamaki could react he was hit with a burst of flames to his chest which burnt through his vest Tamaki coughed as blood ran down his mouth but got up and ran at Dabi with crab hands he got hold of his arms and slammed him to the wall which knocked him out, he placed him with Himiko
"f-Finished.." Tamaki said blood dripping onto his clothes as he turned around walking to meet with the others. As he got closer to the door he noticed the door knob turn Tamaki got into a battle stance
As soon as the door opened he almost killed his friend "Woah!..Calm down Tamaki.." Mirio said as he stopped him "Sorry..." Tamaki said
"Looks like you were roughed up badly" as Mirio pat him on the back "How about we go find Hado" Mirio said walking with Tamaki, throughout the whole hideout it was mostly dark and dim Tamaki stumbled as he walked seemed Himiko drew a lot of blood from his leg and from most his body But he could still walk which was good
"Hado!"Mirio yelled as we walked "Mirio!" A voice yelled back Mirio ran towards the direction of it
Tamaki stopped walking as he soon felt light headed
He looked down at his leg and noticed blood pouring out of it as he stood there "Found her Tamaki!" Mirio yelled "Amajiki?!" Hado yelled "Where did you go?" Hado asked yelling, Tamaki stood there paralyzed "Am I going to die here?.." Tamaki asked himself "There you are Amajiki!" Hado yelled as Mirio followed behind her "You look terrible.." She said looking at Tamaki "y-Yea.."Tamaki said looking down "Let's find the others!" Mirio said as Tamaki and Hado followed behind him.
"Wonder where the pro hero's are..."Tamaki said "They should be towards the entrance i think at least" Mirio said stopping at the doorway
"What's the hold up?.."Hado asked quietly "Looks like the pros are fighting over here.."Mirio said peaking out the doorway it seemed like they were fighting Shigaraki

-Mirio's POV-
As Mirio watched the pro hero Fat Gum fight Shigaraki..he noticed he was getting slow and weak
He needed to do something to help him but all he could think of was fighting at his side. as he thought this over Tamaki noticed what he was planning on doing and couldn't and didn't want to see his Friend get hurt badly Tamaki grabbed Mirio's arm "I know what your thinking...and you'll kill yourself if you go out there and help him.." Tamaki said pleading "He will die out there if I don't help!" Mirio Said "Mirio please!" Tamaki and Hado pleaded, Mirio ignored there demands and noticed Fat Gum laying on the floor badly injured "Well...well...seems you'll die here alone..." Shigaraki smiled sinisterly as he was about to touch Fat Gum, Mirio rushed in blocking his hands and fighting him "Mirio!" Fat Gum Said trying to stand up "Im here to help!" Mirio smiled
"Mirio!" a voice called out before he turned around and saw.. "Tamaki?!..." Fat Gum yelled but it was Shigaraki behind him and all his hands were on him! everything went silent.
As Mirio opened his eyes it was "Tamaki?..." Mirio Asked as Tamaki coughed blood running down his face Fat Gum was up and fighting Shigaraki again "m-Mirio..." Tamaki weakly said "Tamaki!" Hado Yelled as Tamaki fell to the ground His skin became as pale as a ghost....

-Tamaki's POV-
As soon as I noticed Shigaraki running towards Mirio i couldn't let him die...soon enough my body moved on it's on and at that second I couldn't feel anything, my mind went blank and my body ached
I felt blood run down my back as Shigaraki touched me....I'm sorry Mirio...I wish I could have told you how I really felt I know you will become a great hero....promise me you'll protect Hado with your life.
"Tamaki?.." I heard him say as I opened my eyes "m-Mirio.." I said before coughing up blood, my body felt weak and the pain grew on me.
Soon I fell on my side onto the floor, I can't get up I feel tired and weak am I going to die?...
"Tamaki!" I heard Fat Gum yell "They got away!" Mirio called out "We have to get him to the hospital!" It was the last thing I heard before my eyes shut....Am I dead?....no..I can't be....I need to tell him how I feel....

I need to tell him how I feel

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Word Count:1347

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