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The storm was brutal but finally cleared when morning came, the hot sun drying the three very quickly. Asra let out a small yawn and stretched her arms above her, hitting the Mandalorian gently on the head causing her to let out a meek "sorry".

The Jawa fortress came into sight and the Jawas went crazy as they saw the Blurrg coming closer.

"Greetings." Kuiil greeted the Jawas in their own language. The small thiefs raised their weapons at the three giving them a not so friendly welcome. "They really don't like you for some reason."

"Well, I did disintegrate a few of them." The Mandalorian stated causally, clutching his rifle close.

"That explains a lot." Asra laughed, nudging him playfully. Her fearful mood disappeared and replaced with her usual calm and collected self, a gentle smile gracing her lips.

"You need to drop your rifle." The Ugnaught informed him, glancing back at the pair.

"I'm a Mandalorian." He said. "Weapons are part of my religion."

"Then you are not getting your parts back." Kuiil stated matter of factly. "And the blaster."


"Good morning cutie." Asra cooed as the child had woken up and was leaning on the side of the trailer, amused by everything going on. She moved the child to sit on her lap as they stayed in the trailer.

Asra barely paid attention to what they were saying but when two Jawas came close to the two, observing the child with curiosity she tried to shoo them away but they ignored her.

"Get away from them!" The Mandalorian shouted, scaring them away. Asra sent a grateful smile and climbed out of the trailer when she heard the Jawas cheering about the egg.

"The egg? Anything but the egg." She sighed, placing the child back in its bed and following everyone into the Jawa fortress.

"What's wrong with this egg?" He asked her, grabbing her arm to steady her as she stumbled.

"It is not easy to get." Taking a seat by the controls with a few other Jawas, the Mandalorian and Asra sat in quiet, ingonring the thiefs still cheering over the egg.

She followed him down the ramp and watched carefully as he made sure he had his weapons and the child was safely in its bed.

"I'll be waiting here. Please don't die." Asra placed her hand on his arm and gave a small squeeze.

"Worried about me?" She could hear the humour in his voice and laughed lightly at the man.

"Always." With one last wave the Mandalorian and the child vanished in the dessert, away to find the Mudhorns cave.

"From afar it would seem like you two were a happy couple." Kuiil nudged her suggestively.

"I would rather not get my heart broken by a bounty hunter." Asra sighed, wrapping her arms around her stomach with worry.

"He will be fine. He is a Mandalorian."

After some time the Jawas grew impatient, thinking the Mudhorn had won. They began to shut their doors while Kuiil tried to convince them to wait.

"Mando!" Asra shouted in surprise as she saw the mud covered Mandalorian approaching them, a hairy egg under his arm.

"I have it. I've got the egg." He gave the egg to the overly excited Jawas. The three of them watching as the leader cut it open and they all started to devoure it. The Mandalorian walked over to the pair, instantly noticing Asra's disgust at his muddy appearance. "I'm surprised you waited."

"I'm surprised you took so long." Kuiil teased, turning around to collect all the stolen parts to put in his trailer.

"Here, you might want to wash the mud off yourself." Asra gave the muddy bounty hunter the cloth from around her waist, starting to clean the dirt off his chest.

"Thank you." He took it off her and began to clean himself. Asra noticed the sleeping child and stroked its hair lovingly, questioning why it looked so drained.

"Is it still sleeping?" The Ugnaught asked as they had started travelling back to the ship.


"Was it injured?" He continued to try and understand the situation that the bounty hunter had told them.

"I don't think so." The Mandalorian observed as Asra fed the child some medicine. "Not physically."

"Explain it to me again." Asra requested, stroking its head one last time before sitting beside the Mandalorian. "I still don't understand what happened."

"Neither do I." They finally arrived at the Razor Crest by nightfall, the two men instantly getting to work on the ship while Asra stayed out the way and kept her eyes on the child, monitoring its health.

Morning soon arrived and Asra woke up to the bright sun on her face. She stretched the kinks out her neck and checked up on the child, it was still sleeping. With the feeling of eyes watching her, Asra lifted her head and saw the two men glancing at her occasionally.

"Asra, dear." Kuiil beckoned her over after he shook hands with the Mandalorian. "You are going to work with the Mandalorian, he needs your skills more than I do."

"I have to leave you." Asra cried, her eyes darting between the two with worry. "What if something happens to you and I'm not here to help?"

"Stop worrying about me, I'll be fine." He reassured her, bring her in for a tight embrace. "You need to see the world rather than spending the rest of your life locked away inside."

"Thank you." Kissing his cheek, Asra waved good bye as Mando flew them away from the barren planet, a single tear streamed down her cheek.

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