twenty seven

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"I will not abandon this place until I have salvaged what remains." The woman continued, collecting scrap armour and piling it into a transport crate. The all followed her to the armoury, a large blast heater in the middle. "Show me the one whose safety deemed such destruction."

"This is the one." Mando led Asra forwards to reveal the child snuggled against her chest.

"This is the one you hunted, then saved?" The armourer stated mockingly, looking down at the child that watched her with curiosity.

"Yes. The one that saved me as well." He nodded with agreement, noticing Asra hesitantly turn it around for her to fully see.

"From the mudhorn?"


"It looks helpless." She observed as it grabbed the healers finger and squeezed it with a coo.

"Its injured, but it is not helpless." Asra informed the woman, stroking its head lovingly. "It can use the force to protect and heal."

"Just like you, dear." The pale blonde woman looked at the armourer with surprise, questioning how she knew. "I recognised you from your hair. The last living heir of the Manara Throne. The songs of eons past tell if battles between Mandalore the Great, and an order of sorcerers called Jedi that fought with such powers. And the Manarians who used it to heal."

"It is an enemy?" Mando asked, not understanding what the woman was telling him.

"No. It's kind were enemies, but this individual is not." She stated, collecting the melted metal and pouring it into a mold.

"What is it?"

"It is a foundling." Asra looked down at the child and questioned if it was connected to the Jedis, if they were who they need to bring it to. "By Creed, it is in your care."

"You wish me to train this thing?" He asked with surprise, pointing to the gurgling child.

"It is too weak. It would die." The woman said as if it were obvious. "You have no choice. You must reunite it with it's own kind."


"This, you must determine."

"You expect me to search the galaxy for the home of this creature and deliver it to a race of enemy sorcerers?" The Mandalorian sassed to the woman.

"This is the Way."

"They are not enemies." Asra whispered, placing the child back in the satchel attached to the droid. "They are in touch with the light side."

"Hey." Cara spoke up after investigating the place. "These tunnels will be lousy with Imps in a matter if minutes. We should at least discuss an escape plan."

"If you follow the descending tunnel, it will lead you to the underground river." The armourer announced, helping them escape. "It flows down stream towards the lava flats."

"I think we should go." Greef agreed  starting to grow antsy as the stood around waiting.

"I'm staying." Mando replied. "I need to help her and I need to heal."

"You must go." She stopped him. "A foundling is in your care. By Creed, until it is of age or reunited with it's own kind, you are its father. This is the Way. You have earned your Signet." The woman welded a symbol on to his shoulder guard. "You are a clan of two."

"Thank you." He said gratefully, looking down at the mud horn signet. "I will wear this with honour."

"We should go." Greef said after they heard distant explosions.

"IG, please guard the outer hallway. A scouting party draws near." The armourer commanded as they all prepared to fight.

"Hang on. I don't do the baby thing." Cara grimaced as the droid passed the child to the shock trooper which caused the child to squeal with delight and reached for her face.

"Your majesty." The woman walked up to the hesitant woman and placed a necklace in her hand. "This was given to me by a Manarian many years ago. It is your family crest. Keep it safe. You will get your crown one day."

"Thank you." Asra tied the necklace around her neck and hide it under her shirt.

"You are protected." The IG Unit returned after shooting all the Scouts.

"More will come, you must go." The armourer said, urging them towards the exit.

"Come with us." Mando offered to her again.

"My place is here. Restock your munitions." She reminded him before walking to the droid with the jetpack. "IG, carry this for Din Djarin until he is well enough to wear it. Now, go. Down to the river and across the plains."

"Thank you." Asra said once more before following the others through the tunnels, allowing Mando to say his final words of gratitude.

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