Chapter 21

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Mary was sitting in her kitchen drinking a coffee when she heard Eric let himself in. The jingling of his keys always had such a distinct, mocking ring to them; the warden had come to visit his prisoner and tease her with freedom he would never freely grant.

Three steps, five steps, ten steps and there he was, leaning casually with an elbow up against one side of the kitchen archway. He looked good, but he always did. He'd probably taken off his tie mid-flight so that now his shirt, impressively uncreased for such a long journey, was unbuttoned at the collar. His dark hair had been freshly cut, the few long strands falling against his low forehead left as style choice rather than from neglect. The shape and placement of his rich brown eyes gave the impression that there was gentleness behind them, a cruel trick of nature, or perhaps a gift, depending on who was asked. He smiled at her lovingly, as he usually did, as if each time he came to see her it was to tell her that he had forgiven her for a fight she'd caused.

Charlie had warned her he was on his way, which was supposed to mean so was Charlie, but because survival had so long depended on not trusting anyone, until she had proof to the contrary, she was on her own. To hope otherwise was to be more vulnerable than instinct would allow.

Oh, well, she thought, here we go again.

"Surprised to see me?" Eric asked with the husky tone he used when he was trying to be sexy.

Mary sighed. "I wish I could say yes, but you're fairly predictable."

The loving smile hardened a bit. Also predictable.

"Where's my kid?" he asked.

"She's sleeping, Eric. It's after nine."

"Well go wake her up and let her know Daddy's home. It took me over a day to get back here so I could see my beautiful girls."

"You're back to go to the anniversary party, aren't you? Why wake her now? You'll still be here in the morning. Unless that last penny I tossed in the fountain actually works."

"You're hilarious," he said, taking a seat opposite her at the kitchen table. He reached for her hand and she let him cover it with his own, as if she couldn't be bothered to pull it away. "I guess you only wake her up to have tea parties with strangers in the middle of the night," he said, laying out the other reason for his visit. His eyes softened dangerously.

Mary slid her hand out from under his and waved him off. "Charlie Fine isn't a stranger."

"Who was that guy that was here with him?"

"His husband," Mary said with a sarcastic smile.

"You must think I'm stupid," Eric said smugly.

"You don't leave me much choice. How did you know they were here anyway? More of your spies? Don't you get tired of being a typical, insecure male?"

"What goes on in my home with my wife and child will always be my business. A man protects his family."

"Yeah, well this is my home, remember? My parents left it to me. And I'm not your wife anymore, or don't you remember who was actually successful in filing for divorce?"

Reminding Eric he had the upper hand always relaxed him.

He laughed a little, leaning across the table to take her cup from her and sip her coffee. "What was Charlie doing here?" he asked curiously.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

His smile turned sharp. He drained the cup and returned it to her. She was surprised he hadn't slid it off the edge of the table in a fit. "Try me," he said smoothly.

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