Chapter 6

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One time, in high school, our chemistry teacher had given us the option to 'set your hands on fire'. Students lined up to dip their hands or fingers into a chemical, then wave them through the flame of a Bunsen burner. Most kids dipped their hand straight into the bucket of water once they were on fire, but some held it for a moment or two, risking a burn.

The fire I held now felt somewhat like that. It tingled, and there was warmth there, but no pain.

I caught my breath, automatically trying to flick the fire away from me as instinctual panic kicked in. Quickly, Myrddin grabbed my leg and held it still, stopping me from sending fire all over the room.

"You got it, girlie?" the professor checked. I nodded, catching my breath as I fought my instincts. "Don't let it die now." He released me, watching closely.

I twisted my foot, letting the flame travel across my skin.

"This... is actually quite cool." It didn't hurt in the slightest, and I was able to keep it burning easily.

"Yes, yes. Very cool. Now, see if you can make it bigger."

I focussed, feeding the flame a little more of the energy. It flared, growing in size. I watched as it travelled up my arm, turning into a full fire.

"Alright, girlie, now turn it down a little." Myrddin suggested.

I tried to do as he said, but the fire only grew.

"Could someone tell me how to do that?" I asked, freaked out by the flames now travelling up my body. "I can't stop them!"

Myrddin raised his hand, a shimmering green veil spreading around me as I burned.

"Calm down, girlie. Relax."

I winced as the heat increased, digging my claws into the chair.

"You must pull the flames inside yourself. Shut off the feeling." Myrddin ordered.

I tried to follow his orders, but the fire reached new power, licking the inside of Myrddin's magic dome. Myrddin's eyebrows furrowed, and he took on a worried expression.

"You must control the flames, girlie."

"Thea, calm down, please," Vivian pleaded. "You cannot get rid of the flames if you don't relax."

I shuddered, sucking in a deep, flame filled breath, and tried to relax. The energy had crept all over my skin, bubbling and burning, but now I yanked it in, forcing the flames to die.

I must have contained it just a little bit too much, because the now-familiar feeling of my bones burning and the world spinning kicked in.

When everything settled, I found myself slumped over the chair feeling exhausted. Fortunately, I had shifted back with my clothes on. Vivian had a hand on my shoulder, and after a moment or two I found myself feeling more refreshed.

"Ouch." I moaned, staggering a little as I stood upright. "Can I not do that again?" My head was pounding, and I still felt hotter than usual.

"Your powers are quite strong," Myrddin commented, brushing away a green wisp of his dissolving veil. "Unusual for such a new razernus. Unusual, but not unheard of, so don't go getting a big head," he warned.

I managed a weak grin, ducking my chin in embarrassment at the first direct compliment I'd received from Myrddin.

"At any rate, I think that is probably enough magical experimentation for today." Myrddin pushed himself up off the floor, dusting off his hands. "I have a class to teach in ten minutes, and it is never a good example for the teacher to be late." He cast a glance at Vivian, who jumped to her feet.

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